The Fourth

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"Come on!" I chanted. I grabbed Adam's hand and attempted to pull him out the door by the hand, "We're gonna be late!" Adam sighed and looked up from his tacos. I had made them the previous hour, and I could tell they were cold by now. He stared at me for a couple of seconds, and looked down again. Finally, he pushed out his chair and stood up. "Thank you," I groaned. I grabbed his hand and practically ran out the door.
Fireworks were always my favorite part of the Fourth of July. There's always this magical element to them, and you never know what they're going to look like until they explode. The surprise is always so real. A black SUV is waiting outside for us, and Adam pulls open the door and motions for me to climb in. I smile and clamber to the backseat. He joins me and buckles his seatbelt, which reminds me to do the same. I sigh and Adam tells the guard our destination. The Rhode Island ocean air wafts in from outside as we start to descend down the driveway. Masses of people wait at the bottom, trying to catch a glimpse, and after nearly 10 years, I'm used to it. I roll down the window enough so I can stick my hand out the window and wave. My name is called from all directions. So many I love yous. So many screams. It makes me smile. I turn my head slightly due to the silence on my left. Adam looks on, smiling. I laugh and say, "What?" He smiles bigger and shakes his head. "You're just being yourself," he says. I grin and turn my attention back to the window. The crowds died down and now it's just regular passerby that turn their heads at the mysterious black truck sneaking by. In less than 10 minutes, we arrived at a giant field with tents and the scent of cheeseburgers and hotdogs. I step out of the car and turn my face to the inside. It's gotten significantly colder. I rub my arms with my hands and Adam says, "Cold?"
I nod.
"Do you want my sweatshirt?" he questions.
I debate it for two seconds, then nod. He pulls the gray sweatshirt over his head and hands it to me. Our hands brush and he clings onto it and pulls me in for a hug. I press my war against his chest, his heart beating at a leisurely pace.
"Thanks," I mumble. He pulls back, laughs, and kisses my forehead.
"No problem," he answers simply.
He keeps hold of my hand as two a guard accompanies us through the fence to the field. I pull the hood of the sweatshirt over my head. People don't notice us. At least, not yet. Adam spreads out the blanket we brought and he lies down. I criss cross my legs and my eyes wander to his face. His eyes are closed, as if he's savoring the moment. His eyes open suddenly, so suddenly I don't have time to revert
my eyes. Green eyes meet mine, and I can just see the corner of his lips perk up.
"C'mere," he mumbles.
I lean forward so my head is on his shoulder and I spread my legs out. I draw lazy shapes on his stomach with my finger as he checks the time. It's dark out now, and being so distracted, I didn't notice the clouds rolling in.
"I hope it won't rain," I whisper. He grunts in agreement. Minutes go by, and the clouds are increasing. At 9, a half an hour before the fireworks are supposed to start, I'm still tracing circles on his stomach. My eyes flutter shut, soothed by Adam's warm breath on my cheek. Then, abruptly, a microphone blares in the distance. I quickly covered my ears. I didn't even hear the message they shared with all the people yelling next to us.
"What'd they say?" I yell out to Adam.
He pauses, then says, "They're canceling the fireworks. It's going to thunderstorm due to the forecast."
My stomach sank. No fireworks?
My gaze cast down, and I shuffled my feet.
"Oh," I choked out.
"Hey," Adam says. He must have sensed my disappointment. He wraps his hands around my waist and says, "We can make our own fireworks."
My eyebrows sank.
"What do you me-" I started. I didn't notice Adam's smirk. He leans in and just touches my lips. My whole body warms and I run my hands up his arms until they're cradling his face. I kiss him back, again and again. Minutes later, I pull away, remembering where we are. I wrap my arms around his neck and murmur his name. I assumed he was just about to do the same. He kisses my cheek and takes my hand. The guard, who was sitting on the fence observing everything else but us, takes our blanket, folds it up, and runs to catch up with us.
"So, how'd you like the fireworks?" Adam asks as we make our way back to the truck.
I smirk. "Shut up," I reply.
YAYY!! that's the end of that drabble. tell me how you guys think!! I like to write fluff it makes me really happy inside so yeah !!! I'll write another one and I guess I'll just update every Sunday if that's okay with ya'll so I hope you have a fabulous day/week/year/life and see you next week! oh and by the way Calvin's real name is Adam so that's why I referred to him as Adam in the story. I'm pretty sure Taylor calls him Adam so yeah ok bye -tess

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