─ Chapter 7─

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Weeks have passed practicing day and night. Exhaustion is taking over my whole body with each day. I feel brittle. My body is caving beneath me. The physical strain is becoming too much. Every time I transfer my consciousness into another person's body, I feel my own physical strength and vitality dwindling. 

Despite my declining health, my mentor pushes me to train faster, seemingly unconcerned with its toll on me. What's the point of all this training if I end up dead before we even finish? At the rate things are going, that seems like a very real possibility. I can hardly move anymore. My powers are strong but I can't do this anymore.

My mentor sits across from me again the same way as the day I met him. Anger fills me I can't escape this. I don't want to die. I want to see Bucky again. What's the point of the last couple of years if we never get to be out of here?

I meet his dark brown eyes he looks anything but pleased. His thick brows are knit tightly together emphasizing the dent between them. He looks worried. It's laughable. He pushes me to this point and he appears concerned. I'm feeling so drained that I can't even summon the energy to laugh. I find myself just sitting there, gazing ahead, struggling to focus my eyes on anything. Everything appears so blurry, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to see clearly.

"Pierce is almost here. He might be able to help."

What help will he be? All this has been done under his orders. He put me in here and this stupid man thinks he can help me? I don't want to be helped anymore I wish they'd leave me alone. I have no clue how long I sat there my eyes blurry my thoughts far away from my body until a knock came to the door. The man I call my mentor rushes to answer it. Despite my eyesight disappearing, I can pinpoint his every move. My senses had grown much stronger being fully entuned with my surroundings. I hate it. I can sense the spider in the corner of the room picking legs off a fly. I can't stop it. 

"This wasn't supposed to happen boss I promise," The mentor says in hushed tones. His whispers are useless I could hear him if they were outside. 

I can see Pierce's anger and concern spread across his features. "Van, this is on you. We have to fix this before It gets worse!"

Van. Is that his name? Of all the names that's his. Not what I expected for a dark mysterious man who acts evil. I was expecting something like Lucius or some shit. 

Pierce crosses the room squatting down beside me. He places his hand on my leg as if I'm a fragile child. In this instance, I guess I am. I hate admitting, how weak I am. He pauses taking in my current state. I can't even imagine how rough I look on the outside. I'd imagine it looks how it feels. The sleepless night likely dropping heavy bags beneath my eyes. My hair looks unkempt because I haven't had the chance to wash it as part of the discipline for my training.

"Can you look at me, my dear?" He questions keeping his voice soft. I point my eyes in his direction but I don't see him through them. I see him through Van hardly able to tell what's me and what isn't. I can see him visibly cringe at the sight of me. I hadn't thought it was that bad. He curses under his breath standing and stepping back over with Van. 

"Her training is going well...she just isn't strong enough. I can fix that with time but I'm not sure she has much left." 

I can see Pierce debating his words. "You've been through this before I trust your judgment. What can be done?"

Van pauses trying to sort through the messy stream of thoughts gushing in his brain. "I know you have that serum. What you did to the soldier may work. All we need is her body strong enough to handle her power. I was lucky enough to be strong when I learned."

Pierce nods gravely. "Well, then that's what we do, son."

I hear the door creaking open again sending a chill down my spine. Bucky. I can feel him, his presence. Pierce sends him over to me having him grab me. He lifts me with care, cradling me as he carries me toward the door. They guide me to the waiting car and carefully fasten the seatbelt around me, ensuring a secure fit.

Forgiveness Is The Hardest ┊Bucky Barnes X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now