From pink to purple

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"C'mon Ava lets get up now" I said as I slowly pulled off Ava's bright pink Disney blanket off her to reveal a small little six year version of myself laying peacefully on her also pink mattress, I picked her up revealing one of our few distinguishing features she still has accidents at day and night so she wears pull ups. I pulled down her pink pajama pants to reveal a soaked pull up and as I lay her down I pulled off her pajama pants leaving her to wake up in just a pull up as I grabbed another pink Disney pull up and a bright yellow dress with flowers on it, as I ripped the sides of her pull up I thought that even though I don't wear pull ups I to wear them at that age due to being scared of the "potty" so we are even more similar. As I helped her stand up I removed her shirt then helped her step into the pull up then she pulled it up then I pulled the dress over her heard and let her slip her arms through the hole then I pulled it down until it mainly covered her pull up. Once I helped Ava into her potty training pants I thought to myself "geez need to go potty to, wait why am I calling it potty oh crap I needa pee" then sprinted into the bathroom and as I heard the trickle hit the bowl I looked around and saw a pink pull up with a faded yellow front and quietly said "dam she's lucky not having to use I mean the toilet no wait I'm a big girl I have to think like one." I decided to go into my room to get changed, first I grabbed a pair of pink panties followed by a pink pair of tights and lastly to add to the pinkness a bright pink shirt with my favourite animal a bunny on the front. After breakfast mum helped Ava pack her bag and while she did I was sent to pack a bag for myself as well as Ava's diaper bag, in my bag I simply put in a thin jumper as well as my book and as I put my half open bag on the floor I grabbed a bag for Ava in which I filled it with five pull ups and another pair of clothes just in case but I didn't notice one of the pull ups from her draw slip into my bag and I zipped it up without looking in. As mum drives us to daycare I start to worry a little about it but I know I have to be strong for Ava and as we pull up to the light blue daycare I see Ava was even more nervous than me as she was squeezing her toy bunny named floppy even harder than usual so I instinctively grabbed her hand squeezing it to comfort her. As we walked in Ava suddenly dropped my hand as she saw her friends and as she run her dress flew up a bit to reveal a slightly yellowed pull up and as I sat down to read I grabbed out my book and flipped to the page and left my bag open. "Hey Emily that's responsible of you to bring spare pull ups in case you have an accident" said a random daycare worker who seemed to have just spawned "oh thanks..wait pull ups what?" I said utterly confused "yeah see silly your spare one in your bag, do you need me to check yours?" "wait what I don't wear pull ups I wear undies" I said still confused "oh good job then being in big girl undies but also lets make sure you don't have an accident I saw you fidgeting earlier I know you need to go potty" she said holding out a hand "wait what no I don't have accidents and I don't need to go potty" I said angrily "ok well lets go just to be sure" she said still very calm as she tugged my hand away from my sitting spot. As I'm dragged off to the bathroom I see a weird chart looking thing "hey what's that?" I say as I point to it "oh that's a potty chart which speaking of we should add you to but as your a big girl you won't need to go as often" the lady said condescendingly "what no why I don't need it" I whined "maybe but let's just add it to be sure" she said with a wink as she directed me towards the bright chart. I saw her write on a chart 'Emily" then stick the chart up next to all the other children's which made me blush even more as it was right next to Ava's who had a lot of "I made it to the potty" parts free and a lot of the wet pants filled in and as I stared at mine I realised how embarrassing it was as it was pink and white and covered with unicorns. The lady then dragged me towards a room marked bathroom and there where then two doors on the inside one pink labeled girls and the other blue labeled boys, the lady then directed me to the pink one and as she opened it she walked me past the toilets "wait why aren't I using the toilet?" I say desperately "oh dear yo have to use the potty and I'm not sure if you would even fit on the big girl potty" she said sympathetically. Finally we reach one of my worst nightmares a potty just like Ava's unused one in our bathroom and as I stare at it she gives me a nudge "we don't want you having an accident or are you scared of the big girl potty? do you want a pull up? she said calmly "what no sorry I just zoned out" I said quickly to which she just nodded before more forcefully directing me to the pink padded potty. As I sat down the lady laughed before saying "you really haven't done this much, Emily you have to pull down your pants honey" "oh oh my of course" I said scrambling to pull my pants down and as I finally did my need to pee had increased significantly so by the time I sat down I felt a large pressure in my bladder but I felt as though I couldn't pee "ugh I can't pee but I really need to" I said in anger "should I turn around?" the staff member said kindly and I just nodded and as soon as she did I felt the pee escape me as it trickled against the potty. Once I finished I quietly said "um excuse me I finished" and the lady turned around smiling before cleaning out the potty and once she finished she took me to my potty chart and I felt oddly proud when she put a sticker with a potty on it on one of my days. I was soon returned to our group who was doing art and I had to play the part a little so I joined in with all the other kids but as I was still older I grabbed a paintbrush and some paints while Ava just dipped her fingers in started painting with them. We painted for only a half our or so when the staff announced it was time for snacks and as we where taken to have snacks all the little kids pull ups and diapers but what surprised me was when I walked to the door to the other room a staff pulled back my pants quickly before saying "oh good job Emily you are such a good role model for Ava with you being in big girl panties and keeping them nice and dry" which caused my face to flush red as I stepped through the door. As we sat I saw Ava looking extremely uncomfortable so I grabbed her hand and took her to the side "Ava what's up?" I said calmly "I need poop" she said quietly "well go tell the staff" I said matter of factly to which she shook her head "do you want me to take you?" I said calmly and she took a bit of time before agreeing and I told the staff her situation as I directed her to the bathroom. I practically retraced my steps as I took Ava by hand to same pink potty I had used just minutes before, I then had her hold up her dress as I pulled her pull up down to her ankles as she sat on the pink potty and did her business. After she finished I helped pull up her pull up and only now did I realise how soft they where but I immediately wiped this thought from my mind as we rejoined the snack time and Ava sat on my lap as we where given some snacks. After snacks we where allowed outside and as I calmy stood and I walked out I noticed a slight need to pee but I instantly forgot about it as Ava rushed off calling for me to follow her and I did so, I followed her as we rushed to the large court behind the daycare where we started to play freeze tag. We played for five minutes when I felt the need to pee get worse but I kept holding but I got tagged just as I was about to leave and stood frozen as my need to pee escalated before I felt something squeeze out. I felt an overwhelming warmth spread throughout my panties eventually getting out into my tights and as I stared down through my now tear filled eyes I saw the dark pink patch slowly becoming purple as it dripped down my legs eventually puddling beneath my feet, "oh Emily are you ok or are you just playing?" said MS Kelly the daycare worker but as she reached me she saw my wet pants and the puddle beneath my feet and she once again took my hand directing me somewhere I couldn't see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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