|19| the grace when I fall for you

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It has been a couple days after the prom and the heated argument with half of the school's parents along with the declaration of their resigning to the principal. Taehyung and Jungkook found themselves wandering through different classes, feeling a mix of uncertainty and determination about their future.

They both knew that there was no turning back. This big revelation not only spiralled among the staff but caught the attention of the entire campus as well.

The hallways were buzzing with excitement, with students giddy over the events at prom, their minds still fresh from the incident.

"I still can't believe that it actually happened"

"Right? I have seen stuff like this happen on movies and books, not on real life-"

"I think I might faint"

As Taehyung entered his classroom, he was greeted with a chorus of whispers and giggles. One student, Mark, couldn't contain his curiosity.

"Mr. Kim, is it true you and Mr. Jeon are dating?" Mark asked, a mischievous grin on his face.

The sudden enquiry after his entrance took Taehyung off-guard. He cleared his throat, diligently avoiding eye contact with the student and trying to maintain his composure. "Focus on your work, Mark. This isn't a news gossip column."

As he continued on arranging his notes for the class, he worried as to how long he'd had to stay in the dark. Everything happened so fast that he doesn't want to face the actual consequences yet. But he knew that no matter what he will have Jungkook on his side.

In Jungkook's class, the atmosphere was much the same. Sana, a usually quiet student, piped up as Jungkook was writing on the board.

"Mr. Jeon, is it true what they say about you and Mr. Kim? Were you really the talk of the prom?" she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Jungkook turned around, his face careful on showing any expression. "Sana, unless you're asking about math problems, I suggest you keep your questions to yourself."

He saw that coming from miles away. He would have been more surprised if no one had come forth and buzzed around him with questions on that evening. Since he is one of the people that has already got caught in the fire of rumors before, he isn't much fazed, but with Taehyung, the love of his life, involved in said rumors, Jungkook has no idea how to concentrate. He let a breath and closed his eyes.

I've handled worse. Just close your ears and keep going.

The students exchanged knowing glances and hushed laughter. Both Taehyung and Jungkook were too absorbed in their thoughts, the tension of the situation making it difficult for them to stay neutral without feeling self-conscious.

Taehyung managed to avoid the presence of Jungkook as much as he could.

As a staff in this school for a long time, he knew how news spreads inside the school and how everyone would come up with a different version of the same thing, which ends up spiralling into more chaos. He always manages to steer clear off rumours, but now things have got extremely interesting now that he is involved with one of the said staff itself.

During one of the interval sessions, he caught a glimpse of Jungkook pacing through the corridors, eyes straight ahead and devoid of any emotion.

He looks....dead

Not long after that, Jungkook caught eye on Taehyung watching him. He could see it, the faint flicker of emotion in his eyes. He nodded at the lockers and tapped his watch, one of their code words, indicating to meet at the next break. Before Taehyung could acknowledge his actions, he briskly exited the crowd of students, without sparing another glance.

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