Chapter 2: The Old Man and the Frog

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"Aye! Frankie's back! Wait what am I doin' waking up the whole neighborhood? I'm the only one here!" laughed Frankie's grandfather as he willed himself up from the couch. "You learn anything good?" These days her grandpa wasn't looking great, his body frailer by the day. Despite this, he still had a childlike whimsy to him, unlike any adult Frankie had ever met.

"Not really," Frankie sighed, kicking off her shoes.

"Huh, not really! Get outta town! Y'know I'd kill to be your age again! Back in school the whole world ahead of me."

"Well, I wish I was your age. Get to stay home napping, watching TV all day, no homework, no worries."

"Aye! Are you callin' me a bum!?"

"Uh yeah," Frankie giggled.

"Why you little, come over here!" As fast as he could, which wasn't very, her grandpa hobbled after her, catching Frankie in a hug. "Just because I don't have homework doesn't mean I don't have worries, you understand?"

"I know."

"Good. But if you wanna talk about bums-"

"Grandpa, don't start again." Annoyed, Frankie wiggled out of the hug.

"Well, your old man was supposed to pick you up last weekend. Y'know spend some time with his daughter but no! He-"

"Grandpa! He rescheduled to this weekend."

"A fanabla! I never shoulda let that yuck marry MY daughter," he whined, throwing his hands around. Noticing Frankie's disappointment, her grandpa frowned before quickly lighting up with a smile. "But then again I never woulda met you."

"Lucky you."

"Yeah lucky me," he chuckled. "Now young lady, are you ready for supper?"

"Grandpa, it's five."

"Well, I was waiting for you!"


"Ah, I'm just joking! Everyone's so serious these days." Ignoring him Frankie attempted her escape. "Hey, Houdini wait just one minute!"


"Why? Because your mother ordered me some new cards. That's why!"


"Yup, the mailman he brought 'em by while I was nappin'. Christ, he nearly gave me a heart attack. Fella needs to fix his truck. Does your cousin er what's his name.....?" Grandpa paused, wrinkling his forehead as he fought for his memory.


"Chris! I know, I didn't forget. Uh, does he still work at that repair shop?"

"I don't know."

"Ah, that's beside the point. The real headline is, UNOPENED CARDS! Read all about it! Hehehe. So how's about we see what treasure awaits?" Grandpa giggled, rubbing his hands together like a mischievous leprechaun.

"Aren't you a little old for Godsend?"

"What?! Too old?! Who put this poison in your brain?! There is no age limit on fun! Whoever tells you otherwise is a bum! I've been playin' this game a lot longer than you!"

"I kno-"

"Haven't you seen the basement?! I've got everything! First edition, second, uh tenth, everything! You name it, I got it!"

"Grandpa! I know I'm just messing with you."

"What?! Oh, well alright Costello come on let's go add to your inheritance."

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