Chapter 15

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Essy's POV

Dana drove us to a Starbucks during our lunch break. I had a hard time keeping myself awake during classes, so she thought this would help me a bit.

Pulling into the drive-thru, she rolls down the window. I hear words being said, but my mind's too exhausted to decipher them. I told Dana what I wanted already: a venti black coffee with four shots of espresso. I hope that will at least tie me down until school's over.

My eyes shoot open when Dana shakes my arm. I must have dozed off, because we were at school again.

"Come on, sleepy head," Dana says, opening her door. "We still have about 20 minutes left and I promised Landon I'd sit with him."

I pull myself out of the car, grabbing my coffee before shutting the door. I slowly follow Dana to the cafeteria. She finally pulls me with her when I get too slow for her. She finds our normal spot where some of our friends and her boyfriend wait for us.

"There you are," Landon smiles as Dana sits to his right. I sit next to her and sip my coffee. It's hot and burns my tongue, but I ignore it.

"I told you I'd be here," she pecks his cheek.

I roll my eyes and take another sip of my coffee. Dana and Landon were the school's hottest couple. He was our high school's star varsity quarterback, she was the setter on the varsity volleyball team. They'd been together since 8th grade, and they've never broken up or cheated on each other. I supported them, yes, but sometimes they just irritated me. They made out, like, twice every three minutes.

I guess I just wasn't used to their kind of love. I was more used to my parents. They were quiet about their love, at least around me. I mean, my parents worked together for at least six to seven years before they fell for each other. My mother was a doctor, which my dad, a cop (now detective), used to his advantage all the time to get different autopsy reports on homicide victims. Even after 21 years of marriage and a child, my dad still uses my mom to get autopsy reports.

I look up from my coffee and at the people at the table. Not including Dana and Landon, there were seven others beside myself. Most of them considered me as a friend. I, on the other hand, considered them acquaintances. For me, I only considered Dana as a friend. I didn't need to confide in anyone but her and my parents.

Even when I dated Mike, I didn't really confide in him with personal things. He was the same with me. I did care at the time, but not enough to talk to him about it. Another thing, I haven't dated anyone since Mike. I've been too busy. I had school, cheer competitions, voice lessons, club meetings, etc. My life was too busy for a boyfriend, and my parents accepted that.

The lunch bell rings as I drink the last drops of my coffee. I felt more energized than about an hour ago, so kudos to Dana. The last few classes flew by quickly, and I was home in no time. After locking the front door behind me, I slowly make my way up the staircase to my room. I drop my backpack on the floor as I enter and change quickly into a t-shirt and workout shorts. I don my red hair in a bun before climbing into bed and falling asleep.


I walk into Freddy's around 9pm with a heart determined to fix Foxy. It wasn't my job, but hell, no one's fixed him for three weeks, so I was going to fix my animatronic friend then beat the person responsible for repairing him.

I dropped all that I needed to fix Foxy on the floor in front of Pirates' Cove. It was a bag of tools my uncle loaned me plus crimson animatronic fur I bought at a store.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Mike's voice behind me.

I turn around to face him. "I'm fixing Foxy."

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