hey guyyssss
so um long story shortenedi have 2 artbooks yh but i have instagram all my socials n crap are in my bio
i also started drawing on an ipad with an apple pencil so yeah life is good yo
but like
my art is on instagram now so this artbook is kind of useless but i'll leave it up for little the little & big memories
ew that was so cringe but yeah my art is continued on my instagram @ditzee_cupid!!!
i literally have 9 followers and my art is way better imo so yeahh!!
consider it like my artbook is being continued on a different platform
you're like- really pretty..
Randomcontinuation of my old artbook :3 would you like to continue on where we left off? ACCEPT DECLINE 🎀 COVER IS NOT MINE, IT BELONGS TO @dayrisfelix ON INSTAGRAM🎀