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Next day 8:30

Rishabh was in his beautiful dreamland

At that moment someone called him

Rishabh:whooo......there. callingggg... me in this earlyy morning

???: hey hii did you recognise me

Rishabh: ummm no

??:its hardik yar we have decided to go on a date remember

Rishabh:um yah (waking up completely)

Hardik:so are u ready

Rishabh:yah i am

Hardik:great then i will come till 12:00 is it okay

Rishabh:ok then

Hardik:ok then bye

Rishabh:bye .....

Rishabh wake up and looked at himself in mirror

Rishabh:why do i feel like he is right but not right also

Auhhh yar rishabh whats happening let it go

He took his phone out and opened a folder saved as my love

Rishabh:i miss u yash

I am trying to forget about u but why i can't

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I am trying to forget about u but why i can't

After all u were my first love

He then kept his phone and went to get an shower

Abhi was getting ready for his job

Abhi :gosh what should i wear there is nothing to wear
(While walking in his closet room)😂

Author:hey wear anything u look hot and handsome

Abhi:hey shut ur flirting on me and help me to find the cloths

Author:ah my poor heartu again got broke

Abhi:stop ur melodrama and help me

Author:yeah coming to help u

Says and vanish

Abhi:this stupid never helps me but yah i look hot in every type of clothes

Author:i said correct na(says and vanish again)

Abhi:uhh who said it
(Looking at his surrounding but he found no one)

Abhi:get to the work or u will be late dude

Started getting ready hurriedly and then leave as he was already late


With rahul

Rahul was doing his push ups when he got a mssg from ishan and surya

Homies grp

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