Is It Love

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Chandler walked past u in school and you got butterflies and couldn't stop looking at him well he walked towards this other girl and kissed her.

She were jealous cuz you weren't dating him but she was. So later that day you heard him and his girlfriend fighting and he said "You know what I'm done with you, we are threw!" And you were very kinda happy but not at the same time.

Well he saw you later that day and smiled at you well he saw u walking home that day and he pulled over and offered you a ride well u figured why not so u got in his convertible Lamborghini. Well he turned on some music and you guys started singing the songs well he had to stop somewhere first and get something to eat and he brought you dinner!

You told him not to tho but he insist! Well you guys got to talking and were laughing and having a good time well Chandler ex came by and said "Who's this?!" Well Chandler ignored her and you did to. "Really fine whatever screw you guys!" She said cuz u guys were ignoring her.

Well on the way to bringing you home Chandler turned the music off and asked "Hey do u have any plans tomorrow?!" And you just shook your head no and he smiled and said "Well you do now!" Your face lit up and all u could do was look at him and smile as he was driving you home and he turned the music up and put his arm around you and could not keep his mind off you!

From that day on you guys hung out every day and soon brought you guys started dating and you thought to your self like he thought to himself is this love I'm feeling?! And you both knew the answer was yes!

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