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"Was that you're sister" taesan ask and he nods "yea we had a small argument thats why i didn't hear you calling me" he says and taesan nods "its fine, ah before i forget i got something for you" he says and leehan curiously looked as taesan open his backpack "here" he says giving leehan a bracelet "what's this" he ask and taesan laughs "obviously a moon duh" he says and leehan scoffs "i know that but why are you giving it to me" he says "well i just thought of giving you something last night and i thought of the moon it felt right to make you a moon and i get the sun" he says putting it on

"You made it?" leehan ask and he nods "yup i made both of them you won't see them at the stores" he says and leehan let out a laugh he puts it on "ooh it fits you just right" he says as he looked at leehan's moon bracelet but leehan was staring at taesan he felt something about him "look i got my sun one" taesan said showing it to him "were a lot like the sun and the moon if you think about it" taesan says as he looks deeply into leehan's eyes, leehan looks away "so you did us matching bracelets?" he ask and taesan cleared his throat "y-yea yea i did" he says as he looked out the window 'this feeling' taesan thought as he looked out the window he felt so hot little did he know that leehan also was freaking out feeling hot

"Were here boys" the butler says and taesan nods "yea thanks max" he says as he gets out and leehan followed after "thank you" he says bowing to him as he closes the door, "come one" taesan says as he grabbed leehan's arm as they walked inside, they walked to there classroom and jaehyun and sungho were already there "come here" jaehyun says to leehan as he drags him but taesan was able to stop him "where are you taking him" he ask and jaehyun scoff "none of you're business" he says and leehan let go of his grip leaving him surprised "don't touch me" he says and taesan smiled "you heard him" he says pushes jaehyun as they both sat down in there seat

Jaehyun felt his blood was boiling at what happened "what are you guys a couple or something" he says laughing and taesan sighs "so what if we are? Why do you care so much" taesan says leaving leehan shocked his eyes widen "its none of you're fucking business" he says as he punches jaehyun making him stumbling everyone in class gasp even sungho and leehan he turns back around as he sits down again leaving jaehyun's cheek bruised he was in denial of what just happened to him, "you're okay right" he asked leehan and he nods "yea i'm okay taesan" he says and taesan nods "thats good, he needs to be put in his place" he says as he sighs and leehan didn't say anything as the teacher came in


"Wanna hangout" he ask leehan and he shrug "i'm not sure if i can i'll need to ask my dad" he says and he nods "okay thats fine i'll wait for you then" he says and leehan nods as taesan got inside the car signaling him to get inside and he hesitantly got inside, they drove off "max, were going to wait for him he'll come to our place" he says and he nods "okay sir" he says and leehan was just there looking at them as they conversed with one another

He got to his house "i'll wait for you" taesan says as he got off the car and leehan nods he heads inside remembering what happened this morning he feels like his dad will beat him since his sister tells him everything, as leehan opened the door he saw his dad standing in the front of the door as he opened it and he harshly grabbed his arm and slams him to the wall "why the fuck did you go into someone's car without asking us" he says and leehan didn't say a word "answer me bitch" he says and leehan scoffs a bit "why do you care? Is it because i'll ruin you're reputation? It's my business with who i go with i'm old enough you didn't care when i was close of being abducted you never believed me" he says 

His dad slaps him "i'm talking about now not the fucking past" he says pissed off "no wonder mom left you" leehan says as he held his cheek he pushed by him but his dad grabbed him again "wow now you're talking over me, why didn't you beat jaehyun when he had you on the ground" he says and leehan pushes him "none of you're fucking business" he says and his dad grabbed him by the collar "punch me, hit me, burn me, do whatever you've always wanted to do to me you always told mom that you didn't want me and that i'm a mistake I've never done anything to anyone especially you" he says with tears in his eyes "but i think i know why you hate me so much" he says and it look like his dad's eyes were about to kill him

"Because i like boys" he says and his dad was about to slap him but someone grabbed his hand and leehan waited to be hit in the same spot again but nothing happened he opened his eyes and sees taesan his eyes widen "who the hell are you" his dad says and taesan smiles "oh i'm leehan's friend" he says and he looks at leehan "the door was mid opened so i walked in he never came out and was curious what was taking him so long" he says, "why are you about to him" he says and leehan's dad scoffs "none of you're fucking business and stay away from leehan you freak" he says and taesan lets out a laugh "you're funny Mr. Kim, but i like leehan and i can't stay away from him were friends" he says as he puts his arm on his shoulder "right leehan" he says and he had his eyes widen but nods "yea, and i'm going with him" leehan says as he drags taesan away

Leehan's sister who was seeing everything comes down "leehan" she says and he rolls his eyes "don't look for me" he says as he walks away as he held taesan's hand and taesan smiles at there hands and he turns around "you know you can go to jail for abusing you're son, don't lay you're hands on him" taesan says and he didn't say anything and watched his son walk away with a guy he didn't know "what now dad" she says and he scoffs "let his gay ass leave, he's never coming back here again you better not allow him too" he said as he slams the door to his office

"You were very hot back there" taesan abruptly says as they get in the car "what??" leehan says surprised "i saw what you were saying to you're dad" he said as he leaned forward to him "max i'll close this" taesan says and he nods as he drives off, "what are you doing?" leehan ask as taesan closed the window and a small door so they would have a bit of privacy "i know we just met, i can't get rid of you're smell" taesan says as he leaned more closer to him but leehan moves back "stop" leehan says as he looks away 

"What if i can't stop" taesan says....


Heyy guys hope you enjoyed the chapter! The next chapter will be a bit bit spicy 

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