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Ariana started to moan and her head lolled. Suddenly she rose her head. She had that cruel smile I'd never have seen on her face.

You might be thinking, Why did you let her get possessed? You're supposed to protect her, right?

I'll explain why I did that. According to me Zoe didn't want either of us to get hurt but if it had to be one of us, she'd let Nakamura die. Ariana was important to Zoe and the organization glitched. She was intending to have me possessed so that when the soul started choosing who to kill, she'd have Rose kidnap Ariana and let me kill Nakamura. But I couldn't let that happen. So I got Ariana under the spell so she couldn't be kidnapped. Nakamura would either flee or fight Rose. Zoe wouldn't be fighting since she was using her power. I'd break the cuff and everything would be well.

But then...why did Zoe tell me about the power, as if she wanted us to defeat the soul.

Rose sat in a chair, her arms crossed and a scowl like she was bored. She still wore that outfit she'd worn the other time we met her. She looked like she was cosplaying some character.

Ariana looked at me and pointed "I'll have that one, do anything you like with the other boy." Her voice sounded like she was a grown woman when she was of course not. She flicked her hand and took out her sword."

"Oh no. Soul, please, the other one. Please"

"No can do, girl. You know I cannot be bought."

"Please, no! Not him!" She pleaded.

"Ah, if you say so! But only this time!" Soul said. She turned towards Nakamura.

He realized what was happening. His protector appeared and barked at Soul. He looked tense and certainly did not feel good fighting his friend. I didn't too, but there was no choice.

Soul charged at Yuko while he stood there, frozen in shock. Just as she was about to hit her, I blocked it.

'Th-thanks.' He muttered.

'Listen here, you gotta fight her anyway, you either have to help me fight her or fight Rose, she can make things erupt from the ground. Octopus tentacles, roots, big spiders and all.'

Yuko chose Rose. I could tell he seriously didn't like the Idea of fighting a friend. He went after her and they started battling. I stared at Yuko's grace. Like what the... That kid was lit at this! I looked back at Soul and decided to face her finally. 'If you wanna kill him, you gotta go through me.' I smirked.

Soul crackled. 'Really, well, let's see how you fight then, boy.' Her calling me boy felt weird but this was Soul, perhaps a very old soul. Yeah, I could've made a lot of puns about this if I was free.

But sword against spear? I opened my inventory and took out a sword. I'll admit I wasn't good with it and after seeing Yuko fighting with one, I wasn't exactly motivated but I tried.

As our swords crashed, I observed her movements to look for any weakness. I could absolutely not harm her and make a perfect strike to break the cuff.

She was pretty fast, like darn fast. But I noticed that she didn't move her body as fast but constantly swinging her arms like her lower half was a statue which meant that if I could move around her and confuse her, she wouldn't have enough reaction time besides she wouldn't be able to attack her backside.

As she continued to strike, I stumbled back and tried to attack her with deadly blows (wink wink). Then when she was distracted by our very intense fight, I went behind her back and pushed her. I pinned her to the ground and her sword clattered to the ground. I broke the cuff (very carefully) and Ariana gasped, her eyes returning to their normal blue. She stumbled back, free from Soul's influence. 'What the- I was standing there then how...?' She mumbled.

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