30) Alpha's Charisma

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Jungkook and Jimin made their way to the training field, the sun shining brightly overhead. Jungkook held Jimin's hand as they walked, their fingers intertwined in a loving grip. The training field was abuzz with activity, new recruits sparring and practicing under the watchful eyes of seasoned trainers.

As they approached, Jungkook guided Jimin to a shaded bench at the edge of the field.

"Sit here, my love" he said softly, pressing a kiss to Jimin's forehead.
"I'll just be a moment. I want to see how the new trainees are progressing."

Jimin nodded his eyes already fixed on Jungkook with a dreamy look.

"I'll be right here, watching you" he replied, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Jungkook gave his omega one last affectionate squeeze before striding onto the training grounds.

As he moved, he commanded attention, his presence powerful and imposing. His broad shoulders, chiseled abs, and the sheer strength emanating from him made him a formidable sight.

The trainees immediately snapped to attention as Jungkook approached, their expressions a mix of awe and nervousness. Jungkook's reputation as a fierce and skilled warrior preceded him, and his mere presence was enough to instill both respect and a healthy dose of fear.

"Good morning everyone" Jungkook began, his voice carrying across the field with authority.

"I want to see what you've learned so far. Pair up and begin sparring. Show me your best"

As the trainees began their drills, Jungkook moved among them, observing closely. He occasionally stopped to offer pointers, demonstrating techniques and strategies with effortless precision.

"Remember, balance is key" Jungkook instructed, his voice stern but encouraging.
"Keep your center of gravity low and don't let your opponent predict your movements"

He demonstrated a flawless defensive maneuver, disarming one of the trainees with a swift, controlled motion.

"See? Speed and precision. You must be quick but also mindful of your form."

Jimin watched from the sidelines his heart swelling with pride and admiration.

Jungkook was in his element, exuding confidence and strength. His powerful build and commanding presence made him look both dashing and intimidating, a true warrior king.

Jungkook caught Jimin's gaze and flashed him a brief charming smile before turning his attention back to the trainees.

The sight made Jimin's heart flutter his dreamy look intensifying as he admired his husband.

As the training session progressed Jungkook continued to move among the recruits, offering guidance and corrections.

"Keep your eyes on your opponent's chest not their eyes" Jungkook advised one trainee.
"It's harder for them to deceive you that way."

The trainee nodded attempting to mimic Jungkook's instructions. Jungkook observed for a moment before nodding in approval.
"Better. Keep practicing."

As the session drew to a close, Jungkook called the trainees together.

"You've all done well today," he said, his voice filled with a sense of pride.

"Keep honing your skills. Remember, strength and technique must go hand in hand. Dismissed"

The trainees bowed respectfully before dispersing murmurs of admiration for their king echoing among them.

Jungkook made his way back to Jimin who was still watching him with that same dreamy look.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Jungkook teased gently taking Jimin's hand and helping him to his feet.

Jimin nodded, his smile radiant.
"You were amazing alpha"

Jungkook smiled and leaned down pressing a soft kiss to Jimin's lips.

They walked back to the palace hand in hand, the bond between them stronger than ever, their love a fortress that nothing could breach.

Few days later

As Jungkook attended to matters in the court and on the training field Jimin found himself engaging in a conversation with other omegas in the royal family.

Gathered in a cozy sitting room within the palace, they shared stories, experiences and offered each other support in their unique roles

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Gathered in a cozy sitting room within the palace, they shared stories, experiences and offered each other support in their unique roles.

Jimin listened attentively as the other omegas spoke about their duties, challenges, and joys of being part of the royal family.

They discussed everything from court etiquette to managing household affairs, and even shared tips on self-care and finding moments of peace amidst their busy lives.

As the conversation among the omegas continued, laughter filled the room, and soon the topic turned to Jimin and his relationship with Jungkook.

Seated in a circle, the omegas exchanged mischievous glances, knowing exactly how to tease their Queen.

"So, Jimin" Haeun began with a playful smirk "how does it feel to be the Queen of King's affection? You must be positively glowing all the time!"

Jimin's cheeks flushed pink and he chuckled nervously, feeling the weight of their teasing. "Well alpha is very loving and attentive" he admitted shyly "but it's not like I'm constantly blushing or anything..."

Minji raised an eyebrow teasingly.
"Oh, come on Jimin. We've seen the way you look at him when he walks into the room. It's like you're under a spell!"

Jimin's blush deepened, and he attempted to change the subject.
"Let's talk about something else shall we?"

But before he could escape the teasing, the door swung open, and Jungkook entered the room his presence commanding attention. He raised an eyebrow at the scene before him, sensing the playful atmosphere.

"What's going on here?" Jungkook inquired his gaze shifting between the omegas and Jimin.

Haeun grinned mischievously, unable to resist the opportunity to tease further. "Oh Your Majesty we were just discussing how utterly smitten Jimin is with you. It's quite adorable really"

Jungkook's lips curved into a fond smile as he turned his attention to Jimin, who was now pouting and shooting pleading looks in his direction.

Unable to resist, Jungkook crossed the room in a few strides and pulled Jimin into his arms effectively shielding him from the teasing.

"Is that so?" Jungkook said, his tone teasing as he pressed a kiss to Jimin's forehead.
"Well I happen to be quite smitten with him too." Jungkook said smiling

Jimin let out a relieved sigh burying his face in Jungkook's chest.

"Save me from their teasing please" he murmured his voice muffled.

Jungkook chuckled rubbing soothing circles on Jimin's back. "Don't worry, my love. I'll always protect you from their teasing." Jimin pouted angrily looking at him.

The other omegas laughed at the adorable display.


To be continued

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