Chapter Sixty One: Sciencey-Makeup

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61. Sciencey-Makeup


A/N: You can ignore the outfit pictures that I put for this chapter if you want! I only put it there if someone wants inspiration for whatever they would wear for the selection! The outfit you want is up for interpretation!

A/N: You can ignore the outfit pictures that I put for this chapter if you want! I only put it there if someone wants inspiration for whatever they would wear for the selection! The outfit you want is up for interpretation!

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(Art credit to rika-dono on DeviantArt)

Q: What kind of fashion style do you say you like or wear?


In the early morning, Amaryllis had left the Sapphire Cave to get some materials that Senku needed to create a few things. That would include makeup, shampoo, and conditioner--three things you requested of him to make sure the selection goes off without any issues regarding beauty. She ended up coming back with many fruits and different types of flowers, which were used to create the three items.

You sat down in a chair that Senku had set outside the lab. "Okay, before we do anything with the makeup and hair products, what's the plan regarding me?"

"First of all, if we're going to get you selected, we need to come up with an elaborate story on your appearance. You looks nothing like the people on the island, which isn't a bad thing, but it'll cause a lot of suspicion," said Amaryllis as she studied your face and body.

"Would it be smarter if (Y/N) stayed behind...?" Suika suggested with wonder.

Ginro added with a bothered look on his face, "She already told some of the islanders that she knows that Moz guy as a lie..."

"Unfortunately, no... Moz already has his eye on her and is expecting her to show up. If she doesn't appear, he'll go looking for her, which could lead him to this place," the woman explained to all. "As for the people in my village, I'll come up with something after talking with them later. A few of them should be able to help us."

Senku added as he held up his hand, showing the mirror ring on his finger, "Plus, she's the only one who can actually communicate with us from long distance subtly."

"But it's not like she'll be automatically accepted here without a good backstory..." Soyuz worriedly stated.

Everyone began to think so that they could come up with a plan. Gen then had a close-eyed smile on his face as he came up to you. "Then, why don't we tell everyone that she's descended from the heavens? A myth, of some sort, just like in the Hundred Tales."

"You think they're gonna believe that? She's far from heavenly." Haru raised an eyebrow, and you flicked their forehead with your finger.

"Before we believed in science, we also believed in sorcery and gods. I'm sure that if we somehow trick them, we can convince them that (Y/N) is worth choosing!" Kohaku exclaimed.

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