Meet the New Girl

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Lila was a few feet away from the entrance steps of Collège Françoise Dupont when she spotted Adrien getting out of his limo.

Lila grinned at the sudden idea she got. She adjusted her body and began walking in his direction.

As soon as Adrien was fully out the limo, Lila collided with him. All of their belongings getting thrown to the ground.

"Ow!" Lila yelped as she hit the ground. "That actually hurt." She thought as she looked at her right ankle.

She must have twisted it awkwardly when she fell. "It's at the very least, a little hurt and at the most, sprained. Either way, I can use this to my advantage."

She was originally going to have a 'meet cute' moment with Adrien but this is even better. "Adrien will feel guilty for hurting me and may feel obligated to stay by my side which would irate the hell out of Marinette."

Next to her, Adrien groaned as he rubbed his back. But he was quick to get up and check on her. "Are you alright, did I hurt you badly?" He asked, his green eyes shining with concern.

"No, I'm fine." Lila said as she gave him a smile.

"I'm Adrien Agreste." He introduced as he offered his hand, wanting to help her up.

If the look on his face was any indication, Adrien was clearly expecting her to start freaking out and blush like a rabid fan girl.
* Cough cough Marinette *

Lila just took his hand with a smile, pretending like she didn't know who he was, causing Adrien to look at her confused.

"I'm Lila Rossi. I just moved here." Lila introduced herself and Adrien's confusion vanished. He then beamed, glad that the new student wouldn't be treating him like a sparkly object.

Adrien pulled Lila up.

But as soon as Lila stood up, she winced and would have fallen again if Adrien hadn't caught her.

"What's wrong?" Adrien asked as he started looking for obvious injuries.

"My ankle hurts." Lila said in a pained voice. "I guess the acting lessons that I was forced to endure in my previous life were actually useful." Lila thought before she made herself wince and tear up.

Adrien looked at Lila's ankle and frowned. "It might be sprained. I'll take you to the nurse."

Lila was quick to shake her head. "You really don't need to do that." She said, her tone insistent.

"Of course I do. I'm the reason your ankle is injured." Adrien said with a smile of reassurance.

Before Lila could say anything else, two people came over to them.

"Hey, dude. What's going on?" Nino asked, confused and concerned.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" Alya asked as she examined the scene in front of her.

"This is Lila, she's a new student here. I bumped into her, causing her to fall and now I think her ankle is sprained." Adrien said, not once letting go of Lila, too worried that she was going to fall and hurt herself more.

"Anything we can do to help?" Nino asked.

"Do you mind grabbing our stuff while I take her to the nurse?" Adrien asked.

Alya and Nino quickly agreed and started picking up everything that was dropped.

Lila gave all of them a smile, "Thank you so much!"

"It's no problem. I'm Nino." Nino said as he picked up the last of Adrien's things. "Yeah, this is the least we can do. And I'm Alya. " Alya said as she carefully held all of Lila's stuff.

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