Dragon Vlahovic

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Dragan Vlahovic was known for remembering the students' names at Vladislav Ribnikar elementary school in Belgrade and reminding them to wear their coats when it was cold. On Wednesday, the long-time security guard saved an untold number of students as he attempted to shield students from a teenage gunman, losing his life in the process.

The children felt like he was one of their own," Suzana Stojicic, the mother of an eight-year-old girl who attends the school, told AFP. "He knew them all by name.

"Every morning he greeted them with a smile, asked them about their grades, and reminded them to put on their jackets."

Just moments after the shooting, Milan Nedeljkovic -- the president of Belgrade's Vracar district where the school is located -- said Vlahovic was among the first victims in the melee, after putting himself directly in the line of fire.

Dragon Vlahovic was 53 years old when he died.
Dragon Vlahovic was born on January 21st 1970.
His hobbies was playing football.
He was shot was 14 times.

Info of the school Shooting that happened on May 3rd 2023Where stories live. Discover now