6 - My Oh My!

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"Hyung why is it so hard to receive calls in your apartment?" Seungkwan whined, "Only your own phone works."

Joshua, Seungkwan, Wonwoo, Woozi and Minghao were gathered at Jeonghan's home since Saturday's evening.

"I really have no idea." Jeonghan scoffed. It was when his phone rung. He rolled his eyes at the name, "Why is he calling me on Sunday morning?"

He picked up the call, "Good Morning Mr. Choi."

"Good Morning, Mr. Yoon. You've to come with me for today's meeting in the evening. The one with the KTG Enterprises."

"What? Me? But wasn't Mr. Kwon and Mr. Kim going to accompany you?"

"They're all busy in another important task and I can't postpone this meeting. You'll be coming with me, as my assistant, dismiss."

The phone hung up as Jeonghan's eyes widened, "This crazy man I swear!!"

"He's just obsessed with you." Woozi laughed.

"Exactly." Wonwoo nodded.

"Does anyone has any plan?" Minghao asked.

"Seduce him." Seungkwan laughed.

"Are you crazy or what?" Jeonghan forwned.

"No but that-" Joshua stood up, "That might work."

"You all have gone mad." Jeonghan scoffed.

"No like, try it once-"

"Yeah and then after that 'once' I don't know what will happen to me." Jeonghan sighed.

"Listen to me at least once-" Joshua convinced him to hear his plan.

"Nah that ain't a plan, that's my death certificate." Jeonghan protested.

"Hyung, listen to him please." Seungkwan pleaded.

Jeonghan scoffed after which Joshua and Seungkwan explained their plan.

"Wonwoo, Woozi, Minghao, if I don't show up in office tomorrow." Jeonghan mumbled, "Then don't invite these two at my funeral."

"You're overreacting." Woozi nodded.

"Trust me, I'm not. Y'all know his temper right?" Jeonghn scoffed.

"You can give it a shot." Wonwoo stated.

"What can go worse than your current situation?" Minghao added.

"Well-" Jeonghan thought, "Huh. What if I get caught?"

"There's no way." Seungkwan intervened.

" Seungkwan intervened

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<Heaven's Cloud>

The meeting ended and the deal closed in a private cabin of a luxurious hotel. The other party left as Seungcheol and Jeonghan began to wrap up their things as well.

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