Chapter 25: Candlelight Whines (pt.2)

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[more than friends - Isabel LaRosa]

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Wed. 13th October 1993 - 5:52pm...

I felt Draco's fingers leave me, and I whine in disappointment. Not bothering to open my eyes, I shift myself on the mattress.

"Why did you stop?" I ask.

He chuckles, and I heard the condom packet rip open.


That's why he stopped.

"This," His knees knocked against mine. "It'll probably hurt. Honestly, I'm not sure."

He positioned himself over me, and at first I was unsure what to expect.

"That's reassuring," I laugh, gasping from the sudden surge of discomfort washing over me.

It spread across my lower body.

"Relax, why are you so tense?" Draco cupped one of my thighs, wrapping my leg around his waist. He held it there, rocking his hips forward.

A strong mixture of pain and pleasure hit me, my eyes fluttering open. "Maybe because I've never felt this way before?" I scrunched my nose up, my cheeks heating up.

Draco smirked, and snaked his arms under my body, smothering my shoulder in kisses. Lightly rocking himself between my legs, he unclasps my bra. "Mhm..."

I was well aware of my bra slipping off my arms, but I couldn't focus much on anything other than our lower bodies. He didn't bother to remove my necklace.

Pressing our bare chests together, he cradled me in his arms. "That's it," He whispers, his voice slightly hoarse. Groaning, he rolled his hips. "Fuck."

Rolling my head back, I moan softly. My fingertips twitching against his skin. His body stimulating me in all the right places. "Draco."

"Yeah, moan my name." He says, moving inside of me a little rougher. His hand returned to my thigh, firmly holding it against his side.

He allowed some distance between us, pressing his other hand next to my head - To help smooth out his rhythm.

Unsure of where to place my hands, I wrapped them over his shoulders, coaxing him to lean in a little closer.

He rests on his elbow, hanging his head next to my ear.

Every breath, groan and slightly uneven breath he took shot straight down to my core; causing me to become more comfortable with my own noises.

He paused.

Just as I was about to ask why, he roughly snapped himself back inside of me, knocking my breath out in a mixture between a gasp and a whine.

"Oh?" His lips trailed across my pulse, I could feel the smirk plastered on his face.

He placed a light kiss to my neck, "You like that?"

I nod, and our eyes found each other again.

For once he didn't bother to ask me to use my words, and we both knew he was in the process of leaving me completely speechless; unable to form any coherent sentences.

My breath escapes me completely as he picked up his pace again, swearing under his breath.

Curling my legs up next to his, I tried to control how shaky my lower body had suddenly become.

I didn't think I ever expected to experience sex; especially not the type I read about in my Muggle books.

I don't think he did either.

My fingers tangled in his blonde hair, my voice reaching a pitch I was unaware I was even capable of.

Draco's voice turned into soft, slightly broken murmurs, occasionally whining along with me.

His hand slipped under me, pressing into my back. "You're soaked."

A shiver traveled my body. The feeling shot down to the spot he thrust against continuously, and I whimper.

"Fuck, even with the condom on, I can feel it." He adds, his breath hot in my ear. "Am I fucking you that good, huh?"

My mouth hung open, but no words fell from my lips.

"Yeah," He groaned, "Look at you - Not one thought in that pretty head of yours, huh?"

My chest tightened, and all I could find myself doing was shake my head. To his pleasure, it seemed to be the right response.

He playfully smacked my outer thigh, causing me to jolt with a surprise moan. "I want to feel you come all over my dick, Jane."

"Mhm..." With my gaze fogging over, my eyes flutter, back arching off the silk sheets (which I knew were soaked underneath me, because I could feel the affects of my own pleasure leaking down my inner thighs.)

"Come on," He said, his voice hoarse. "Fucking come all over me, pretty girl."

That was my last straw.

I ride the waves of ecstasy almost instantly - My orgasm hitting me like a bus.

"Draco, I'm coming. I'm coming." I gasp, "Shit - Yes."

Somewhere behind my own noises, and seeing stars, Draco whispered how hard he was finishing, too.

His last few movements, almost too animalistic for his own good. I swear I heard him whimpering.

Once the bliss began to subside, he slowed down, collapsing on top of me.

I released the grasp I had on his hair, gently massaging his scalp: incase I tugged on it a little too much, or too hard.

Neither of us knew how to handle the intensity of our sensitivity afterwards, closing our eyes.

Not a single word spoke between us, and I somehow knew we both managed to briefly pass out at the same time.

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