Scenario 1: You went into work and you go to Loona who smiled at you as you sat in your chair
Scenario 2: You and Loona were in a competition on how much kills you can get during the job
Scenario 3: Make it upScenario 1: You and Blitz were talking to each other while your teams were doing work
Scenario 2: You and Blitz were slacking off from work together while avoiding Loona's sight
Scenario 3: Make it upScenario 1: You woke up from your sleep but when you did everyone seemed to be acting different like they weren't themselves
Scenario 2: You were trying to make sense of things as everyone was acting different and you weren't sure whether it was a prank or not
Scenario 3: Make it upScenario 1: You walked around when you meet Vaggie on the streets looking for a customer
Scenario 2: You worked for a mob in Hell when you met Vaggie who was making a deal with your boss
Scenario 3: Make it upScenario 1: You were doing your job when you are assigned to make Charlie happy on her visit at your work
Scenario 2: Charlie was conquering your side of the pentagram when she is met with you
Scenario 3: Make it up