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"seriously Tae? What is happening? Why do you need to go? You know you still have 2 more nights of shows here!"

Namjoon grips her in the arm so she can stay in place. They were walking around her room because she didn't stop grabbing her stuff to put in her baggage. She just want to get out of the place and be somewhere that will make her forget what just happened

"I just need to go, please.. let me.. I just can't stay here for another hour!"

Her eyes glisten, resisting herself to cry when that is all she wants to do

"Tae, listen.. you need to do tonight's show.. everything is ready now. The tickets were sold out a month ago and you just can't disappoint your fans"

Taehyung feels her knees weaken. She needs to sit and feel she's going to fall from her place but Namjoon got her. He caught her and made her lean on his chest

"Tae, are you alright.. please tell me what's happening.. how can I help you if you won't tell me"

He insists but the woman in his arms stays quiet

She starts to cry on his chest and feels hard to stop it. It pours and there's no stopping. They know it will take time for her to calm down. The door burst open. Jimin rushes to her

His teeth are gritting. Pulling her out of her manager. He just knows what happened from her driver because he's there when the confrontation happened and now he's here to know how is she

She says between her sobs. She grips on other's shirts hiding her face on it. A hand runs on her back soothing her somehow

He gives Namjoon a signal to just let them alone for a while. Taehyung seems not to be talking any minute now. He walks out of the room and gives them privacy. Jimin taps her softly, pulling her on the couch. He hands her a roll of tissue waiting for her tears to run dry then she starts

"You know I met him on the way here last year. It's only been 3 months... he was all alone and he asked my name coz he said I look familiar..."

Jimin couldn't stop himself from scoffing. Taehyung starts to cry again..

"Chim.. I didn't know! I swear I didn't know he has a wife!"

Jimin clenched his fist. "That motherfcker!"

He wants to punch the man
"how dare he lied to you! Telling you he only has a child to raised alone and you trusted him!"

Tae holds his clenched fists. She doesn't want to involves him to her trouble but she knows better. Jimin wouldn't let this one slide

"if I couldn't beat him, i swear. The next thing he will feel is the coldness of steel bars!"

"what? You know I just can't sue him for that"

"you can! Taehyung.. you can! We will put him behind bars or atleast pay you the damage he have made! I'll make him!"

"Jimin no.. you don't have to"

"but I want to! Let's see if he wouldn't ask for your forgiveness for what he did!"

Jimin doesn't want to leave her right there and then but he needs to. He has to meet someone that can do the job

"Jimin wait...."
She wants to follow her but he's so fast. She can't even grabs him. The door opens and Namjoon walks in again. His arms against his chest

"I guess you're calm enough to tell me everything.. Tae, you know I need to know all about it so I can protect you from the company but if you keep it all from me, how would I do my work properly?"

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