Nutter Butters, Circle-K, and the Windy City

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A collective groan of happiness passes throughout the whole car. My dad steers the Acadia up to the pump and puts it into park.

As soon as they hear the *click* of the doors unlocking, Ivan and Nicholas bolt out of the car with a twenty dollar bill in their hand. They have been complaining about how hungry they are since we got off the exit. My mother follows them in with an eye roll about boys.

"Boys, grab me a pack of Nutter Butters!" My dad practically screams across the parking lot at them. They yell a yes back right before they throw the door open, effectively slamming into a young guy and his apparent girlfriend. Another eye roll from mom.

Rolling my eyes at them both, I unbuckle my seatbelt and crawl out of the backseat.

Practically falling out of the car, I get my feet underneath me.

Have you ever done that thing where you stretch and it just feels so good that you yell and grumble and groan some unintelligible stuff?

Well, thats what I did, sort of, at least.

I had gotten out of Nicholas's side, on the left, and my dad was standing there.

I stretched, but instead of just yelling and such, I started screaming. My dad, along with everyone else in the parking lot and even the cashier, startled, looked over at me with looks ranging from anger to bewilderment to happiness.

Upon realizing everyone was staring at me, I stopped stretching and faintly yelled 'sorry'.

And the boys chose that exact moment, while almost everyone was still looking at me and Dad, to run out of the store screaming. " DAD!!! We got your Nutter Butters!" and promptly fly out of the door and into the parking lot.

Seriously, you can never have brothers more embarrassing or stupid.


It's physically impossible.

I guess the all the exercise we haven't had is finally catching up to them.

Well, now everyone in this parking lot thinks we are the crazy caravan family.


In the past month, we have covered nearly everything West and North of Texas. After Salt Lake City and the Grand Canyon, we headed to Denver and the Rockies.

From there, we went down to New Mexico and Arizona, then California and Nevada, up to Oregon and Washington. Over to Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. Following that, we headed South down through North Dakota and such, down to Oklahoma. Then diagonally to Missouri, up through Iowa, and to Minnesota.

We just left Michigan yesterday, and drove for hours upon hours upon hours. We are currently at a Circle-K literally just outside of Chicago. Honestly, I'm not really sure why I was so hesitant to go on this trip in the first place. I have fallen in love with every single city we have visited. Every city has something of its own to offer.

"Pssshhh. Earth to Andromeda ? Pssshhh." Nicholas is currently waving a hand in my face.

"Sorry. Did I zone off again?" I ask. Everyone nods in unison.

"An, we are about to head off, so if you have to use the ladies room, use it now." My mom tells me from the front seat. "We'll meet you in the parking lot out front. Okay?"

Gratefully leaving the car behind, I enter the doors Ivan and Nicholas had come soaring out of only moments ago. The bathrooms lay dead straight in front of me as I make a beeline towards them. But just before I reach out to grab the door handle, someone pushes into me, effectively slamming me against the wall behind me. 

"Oops, sorry An, didn't mean for that to happen," said in a cocky tone reaches my ears 

It takes me a minute for my vision to clear from bumping my head against the wall but when it does, the person in front of me makes me question whatever is left of my sanity.

It's James.

James Sawyer Prekler.

My best friend from all those years ago.

He's gotten taller, now probably 5'10". He towers over me. He still has the same hair, but his eyes are different.

They look like mine.

Only his are different colors. His right eye is split vertically. His are all green and gray and black and gold and dark blue.

Looking me straight in the eye, he slowly removed his hand from my mouth. "Promise not to scream?"

"I promise." My response was quite muffled, so it sounded more like "I momise." Despite the absolute fear coursing though my veins, I trusted my friend, or whoever this person was. Not much, but enough.

So what do you guys think will happen? Will he kill her? Ditch her? What will he do?

As always,






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