Chapter 14

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"C'mon, please? Just give me a hint," Bonnibel whined, having snuck into the breakroom during Jen's lunch break.

"No! And don't you need to get ready for the show at noon?" Jen snapped, glaring at the rabbit interrupting her meal of reheated pasta.

"I've still got ten minutes," Bonnibel responded with a slightly sassy tone. "Can you at least tell me if the guy works here?" she asked, desperate to make any progress in her quest.

"Okay, fine! He does. Are you happy now?" the guard cried in exasperation, throwing her hands up as she turned to stare daggers into the anime-tronic's eyes.

"I can work with that," the somewhat lanky bunny-girl answered cheekily, dodging the crumpled-up napkin the woman chucked at her out of annoyance. She then quickly snuck back up the stairs to her room, careful to not be seen by anyone except the occasional employee.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, she ditched the flannel she'd had on, tossing it into a corner of the room, alongside the pair of black jeans that had just been peeled from her legs. Lunging for a notebook on the desk beside her bed, she rummaged through the drawers for something to write with, coming up with a pen. Scribbling down Jen's crush works here in barely-legible handwriting, she accidentally knocked a plushie of herself off the edge, which landed in an open drawer. It had lost an arm at some point- Bonnibel couldn't remember how or when. But she was in too much of a rush to care, with only three minutes before she had to be on stage.

Snatching a brush from another drawer, she cleaned up her hairdo as she watched herself in the mirror. Sliding on the cropped, torn-sleeved button-up that only existed to hide her cleavage, she took a moment to admire her admittedly small curves- well, small compared to her sisters'. Seeing that she only had one minute from the clock in the reflection, she snapped out of it, and turned to fluff her tail, pulling on her toeless socks immediately after. With only a few seconds left, she got her legs through their holes in the shortalls, and ran down the hall to the stage while she attached the straps to the chestpiece.

Arriving at the stage when the hour turned, she knew it would still be a few minutes before the curtain opened. Felicity shot her a chiding comment about her general lack of timeliness, which she ignored as usual. Making sure her electric guitar was hooked up properly, she took her place just as the midday show began.


That night, Bonnibel searched through everything she could find on the establishment's employees, going so far as to break into Harold's office and sabotage the camera outside it so that it played a short loop of an empty hallway. She then wrote down the name of every man who worked there, and even those who were fired or had quit. She was going to get to the bottom of this.

Sneaking out, she locked the door again and had made sure to put everything back exactly as it was- being a robot certainly helped with that, as she could just pull up an image of how the office looked when she first entered. Glancing down the hall, she heard voices drifting over from the other office, and had to hope Ed was distracted. She knew he mostly just watched the main dining area, since that took up most of the possible entrances through windows and such, and it was hard to get much of anywhere on the ground floor without going through that room.

She peeked in from the hall, the cameras in each corner reducing possible blind spots to zero. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she stood and tried to act natural. It wasn't like she was doing anything particularly bad- she'd already gotten away with the hard part, and Ed probably didn't hear her in Harold's office. She could reasonably claim she was just taking a walk, looking for inspiration for her next outfit design. That would explain the notebook and pencil too.

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