Ziraili Khumalo - Original OC

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General InfoFirst Name: ZirailiLast Name: KhumaloNickname: Zai, MaloGender: Non-binary (They/She)Age: 25Date of Birth: May 25Birthplace: Togo, AfricaSpecies: Human Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

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General Info
First Name: Ziraili
Last Name: Khumalo
Nickname: Zai, Malo
Gender: Non-binary (They/She)
Age: 25
Date of Birth: May 25
Birthplace: Togo, Africa
Species: Human
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Physical Appearance

Eye Color(s): BrownHair Color: BlackHair Style(s): Coils or whatever style they feel like doing

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Eye Color(s): Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style(s): Coils or whatever style they feel like doing. They have a coily hair type (4b-4c)
Skin tone: Dark brown
Body Type: Triangle, slightly toned muscles
Bust size: 38 inches
Tattoos: Leaf tattoos going down their arms, also has a lower back tattoo
Height: 5'5, 165.1 cm
Weight: 130 lbs, 58.9 kg

Personal InfoPersonality: Ziraili's a pretty determined soul, even if their energy doesn't express it

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Personal Info
Personality: Ziraili's a pretty determined soul, even if their energy doesn't express it. They're quite relaxed and laidback just about all of the time. Their also the least likely to react to any situation no matter how bad. Not exactly emotionless, just not easily shocked or surprised. Outside of their nonchalant character, they're quite skilled and talented when it comes to studies overall. Friends sometimes refer to them as the "Jack of all Trades" (Master of None) in the friend group due to the amount of things they can handle and are good at. They're also very reliable, especially to their friends, always ready to help no matter the situation in any way they can. Rai is also quite empathetic, mostly as a contrast to how they were raised as a child. They understand the struggles of others and won't hide the fact that sometimes they struggles with negative feelings too.

Good Habit(s): Growing up with strict parents help develop a positive sense of politeness and respect. Their not the kind of person to let people walk over them but at the same time will automatically be polite and give respect to anyone, even if their facial expression may say otherwise.

Bad habit(s): Although Ziraili's seemingly nonchalant, their very expressive with their eyes. They tend to glare and side eye people a lot, 50% of the time unintentionally. It just happens. Whatever seems off, there their eyes go, staring and/or glaring at the person in question. Their friends tend to remind them that it occurs but it happens so often that sometimes they (the friends) just let them be.
When their in a bad mood, they'll go quiet and not feel in the mood to speak with anyone. Even if someone is to speak to them at that moment, instead of letting them know their not in the mood, they'll resort to giving one-word responses and mumbled/nonchalant answers.

Like(s): Chocolate, rings, dancing, singing, reading, red and black, alternative music and styles, Studio Ghibli movies,

Dislike(s): uncleanliness, fake people, raisins,

Hobbies: They like to sing a lot in their free time. Their also good at both skateboarding and rollerblading. They like to spend their time in a nearby skating park just for fun.
Not so much a hobby but something else they also enjoy doing is thrifting.

Allergies: Pollen, Dogs

Fear(s): Although it's not a huge fear, the thought of being unsuccessful and possibly losing everything gives Ziraili great anxiety. They go to school with the full intention to be successful in their career and make big banks, but just thinking about the fact that people graduate just because barely make money further stresses them out.

Strength(s): Reliable, Trustworthy, Understanding, Analytical, Quiet

Weakness(es): Blunt, Unenthusiastic, Judgmental 

Ambition/dream:  To become a psychiatrist and travel the world.
Occupation/Job: Student working towards Masters in Psychology, works as a private tutor on the side

Ziraili is an only child born into a family with strict yet successful parents and a loving grandmother. Their early years were spent mainly being raised by their grandmother due to their parents always working during the day, but as they got older they spent more time with their parents as well. Their parents have always been strict with them, always emphasizing the importance of getting good grades and bringing honor to the family name Khumalo. It led to Zai building the need to always please their parents, to the point where the stress and pressure of always being the best for their parents affected how they acted in and out of school. It led them to being more reserved and quiet, always prioritizing studies over having fun. Zai wasn't allowed to go out much either, so they didn't have many friends till around highschool.
Their high priority on school also affected their judgement when it came to picking a career in college. To be quite honest, they didn't know what they truly wanted to do. They only picked psychology as a way to avoid the medicine route their parents expected them to take.

Another factor that Ziraili's parents' strictness affected was their low attraction to people, particularly men. Even though their parents are very strict on them, they observed how much they cared for each other. The respect they saw their father showed to their mother, left them feeling the need to treat women the same. It also lessened their attraction to men even more seeing the way a lot of guys in their high school were shallow and didn't give the women around them to treatment they deserved. They first questioned their sexuality as a result in early highschool, but didn't truly have it figured out till the end of highschool. Even then they avoided dating anyone till after they graduated. Till this day though, neither their parents nor grandmother knows of their true identity.

Parent(s): Koffi Khumalo (Father), Ashante Khumalo (Mother), Jamila D'Almeida (maternal grandmother)
Sibling(s): None
Pet(s): Coco, their pet bunny

Position: Soft Dom
Turn Ons: Praise, dirty talk, neck bites, chest/thigh grabs
Turn Off: Choking, bodily fluids (ex: blood, saliva, etc.), men(/j)

), men(/j)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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