Chapter 30

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/a/n so you know how I said this chapter would be in Mark's POV? Yeah... I kinda didn't want to make him as depressed as I was planning on making him. Love me! :D :P ~(^-^)~


Today was Ava and Sam's fourth birthday. It'd been about a week after Sean and I got back together and Mark hadn't been feeling himself after Renee left. He still stopped at our apartment at least once a week to check on everyone.

I got out of bed. Sean was still asleep so I let him sleep in. He'd been tired from recording large amounts of videos and still trying to reply to all of his comments and everything. I went to Sam and Ava's room. They were both awake.

"Mommy!" They ran towards me and hugged me.

"Shh," I said, "Daddy's sleeping."

They nodded.

"Happy birthday," I said to them and smiled.

"Thank you," Sam smiled at me.

"Yeah," Ava agreed, "Thanks, Mommy."

"You're welcome, sweetie," I said, crouching down to their level and hugging them.

They both grinned.

"Come on, let's go downstairs and watch TV," I smiled and stood up.

"Okay!" They agreed and went down the stairs with me.

They sat on the couch next to each other and I sat with them.

"Hey, do you guys want to watch a movie?" I asked them.

"Yeah!" Ava grinned.

"What are we watching?" I asked.

Sam answered me, "Wall-E!"

"I love Wall-E!" Ava agreed.

"Wall-E it is!" I said, standing up and finding the movie, putting it in the DVD player.

The movie started and Ava and Sam were enjoying it. I grabbed a blanket and sat next to them, covering myself with the blanket.

Minutes later, Sean came down the stairs. I turned my head and saw him. I smiled at him, "Morning."

"Good morning, Jay," He smiled at me. He walked towards the couch and sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning, Daddy!" Sam and Ava said in unison.

"Morning, birthday boy and girl!" Sean said, a grin on his face.

Ava and Sam laughed, causing both Sean and I to join in the laughing.

"I love this movie," Sean said, recovering from his fits of laughter less than minutes ago.

"I know, I do too," I agreed, "They really wanted to watch it."

"So how are celebrating the twins' birthday?" Sean asked, switching back to the topic of Ava and Sam's birthday. Sam and Ava were too sucked in by the movie to pay attention to us talking.

"I'm having Mark pick up the cake from the bakery and he's gonna come over. He also got a couple presents for each of them. So did we of course," I explained, "And we're just gonna have a little birthday party. Since they haven't gone to preschool yet, they don't have friends their age so.."

"Yeah, alright, sounds fun," Sean said, turning my head towards his and kissing me sweetly.

"I love you," Sean said. Those words never failed to make me smile.

"I love you too," I replied.

"I'll never get sick of hearing you say that, babe," He said. He hardly ever called me that, but I loved it when he did.

I blushed deeply, "That's exactly what I was just thinking."

Sean kissed me again, our lips danced together.

"Ewwww!" Ava and Sam squealed. We pulled away and I blushed yet again.

There was a knock at the door, then Mark just walked in. He had two bags with a couple of presents in them, one for Ava and one for Sam.

"Hey," I stood up and walked over to him. I grabbed the presents and put them in the kitchen.

"The cake's at my place," Mark said, "I'm gonna go get it."

"Okay," I chuckled.

Mark left and came back about a minute later with a cake in a box.

"Thanks for getting it," I said.

Sean stood up and walked towards us, "Hey, Mark," He greeted.

"Hey," Mark said back. They hugged.

"Wow thanks for the hug," I said, "We've been best friends forever and you hug him first?" I joked.

Mark pulled away from Sean and hugged me tightly, "I LOVE YOU, JAY!" He yelled.

"Jesus," I pulled away, covered my ears, and laughed, "I love you too, Mark."

I felt Sean's eyes glued to me in jealousy. I didn't say anything.

Mark seemed to read my mind, "I can watch the movie with the twins if you guys want to talk."

I nodded and smiled at him as a way to thank him, "Come on, Sean."

I took his hand and brought him upstairs to our room.

"What?" Sean asked me when we got there.

"Why are you jealous of Mark and I hugging?" I asked.

"I'm sorry!" He apologized, "I get jealous easily! I know it's been years, and I know nothing's going on between you other than best friendship, but it drives me mad that you say you love each other!" (a/n I'm listening to 'Jealous' by Nick Jonas at the moment ahah).

"Jesus, Sean!" I said loudly, "You're the one that let Renee kiss you!"

"She literally threw herself onto me! I didn't know what was happening until you walked in the room. I swear I didn't kiss her back. What the hell, Jaycee! I'm sorry! I thought we were past this," Sean said.

"We can talk later. It's Ava and Sam's birthday and I don't want you to ruin it," I said rudely and turned to leave the room.

"Jesus," Sean muttered under his breath himself as I left the room, but I heard him, "What the fuck."

/a/n So this is gonna be a two parter. I took a really short break from writing. It lasted about a week so.. Yeah. I just got lazy and wasn't inspired to write.

Okay, I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you all so much for supporting me so much, especially on the last chapter. I'm really happy with the amount of responses that you guys care. It means a lot that you guys read this. Thank you so much!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to Creeperboom101 because they voted for every chapter and commented on a few.

In addition to that, we're almost to 200 votes which is crazy! Thank you guys so much! I love you so much.

Thank you so much for reading. If you liked this chapter, punch that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS!

I will see you in the next chapter! :)

Bye-bye! :D

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