watching her perform vigilante sh!t (requested)

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Tonight has been unforgettable so far.

It's the start of the eras tour and even though you've seen Taylor rehearse tirelessly for so long in preparation for this, you're still so amazed by how incredible of a performer she is and the show she's put on.

It's the final era of the show and you're feeling especially excited about the upcoming performance that Taylor's doing because there was only one song she didn't let you watch her rehearse for - vigilante shit.

It's one of your favorites from midnights and you knew from the day Taylor first let you hear the song that whenever she performed it live, it was bound to be incredible.

But you never expected what she had up her sleeve.

The intro started and your heart started to race with excitement as you kept your eyes on Taylor.

The first part was amazing but from that point on... it was breathtaking.

"Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife. And she looks so pretty," She sang before forcefully placing her foot on the chair. "Driving in your Benz. Lately, she's been dressing for revenge."

You swear that you were losing your mind.

The way she dragged the chair around, the way she moved her hand, the outfit, the way she looked at you with that teasing look in her eyes because she knew that you were mesmerized - all of it left you absolutely speechless and so amazed.

You watched as she slowly sat on the chair and listened to the fans go wild while you stood there frozen and in awe.

Her voice filled the stadium, the fans sang along and screamed for her, while you just sank your teeth into your lip and watched her in amazement.

But then, something came over you.

You smirked a little as you looked around the stadium and noticed that you weren't the only one in awe of how incredibly stunning she was; everyone else was feeling the same.

But there was a difference between you and them - you're the lucky one who gets to call Taylor yours.

All yours.

You've always felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world to be able to call her yours; she's the most gorgeous human being inside and out.

But now, you felt it even more.

Some people might say the word perfect doesn't exist but in your eyes, it does and Taylor defines it.

You got a little lost in your thoughts and when you snapped out of your head and watched Taylor, you saw her smirking at you as she sat back down on the chair, crossing her right leg over her left before the song ended.

And seeing that she was staring at you, you pretended to fan yourself with your hand, causing her to laugh and blow you a kiss with a wink.

And as much as you were enjoying the show, you also found yourself waiting for it to be over so you could see Taylor backstage, where you planned to hold and kiss her and never let her go.

And as much as you were enjoying the show, you also found yourself waiting for it to be over so you could see Taylor backstage, where you planned to hold and kiss her and never let her go

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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