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The next day shub woke up and got ready and went to uni with ish. There he saw abhi and his gang.

*Shub's pov*

I came to uni and saw abhi. His friend called us. Maybe to rag.

"Hey. Come here." One of abhi's friend called him(manav)

"Y-yes sir?"

"Come here and take this." Handing me some papers.

"What are these sir?" i enquired

"Write our assignments." He ordered.

"But sir-"

"We don't like to repeat ourselves. Understand? If not, you are free to face concequences." Abhi brusted out.

Oh god!! Why me always? Hump! I don't have many options rather than agreeing. He is so angry rn. I shouldn't make him more angr-

"What the little brain of yours thinking now?" He asked.(manav)

"I'm sorry sir."

"WTF!! Just take it and go. Don't show me your fucking face!!" Abhi shouted.

"S-sorry s-ir." Taking the papers i left followed by ish.

What did i even do? Why are they behaving this way? Am i that bad? Am i really useless? I can't bare it.

"Shubu please don't cry. I know you don't like being shouted. I'm sorry i didn't do anything." Ish said in a low voice.

"Ish i-is it m-my (Hic) mi-stake? W-what d-did i-i (Hic) do?"

He took me in his embrace and started rubbing my back.

"Shuu... baby no. You did nothing. They are bad. You are a good boy right?" I nodded.

"Good boys don't cry right?" I again nodded.

"Then stop crying baby. I am here. No one is going to do anything to you."

"Promise?" I lend out my pinky still hugging him.

"Pinky promise!" He combined our pinkies.

"See tears don't suit you baby. Okay? Don't cry. Past is past!! Stop thinking anout 'ANYTHING'!" He pressed the word anything. I simply nodded.

But can i stop thinking about it? Is it normal going through such a thing? Should i be normal forgotting it? Yes! I should be happy right? Then i have to forgot this all. 

"Stop thinking. Come let's go. Classes will start."

We walked down together in the corridor. My face must be pale and nose,cheeks in crimson red. My eyes puffy. I am still sniffing and breathing unevenly.

"Shub calm down. Drink this water." He said lending out a bottle.

I just took it and drank 1/4th part of it.

"Come now let's move. We are already 2 classes late."

I nodded. And we both left to classes. I was just sitting there all day without uttering any word. The day went silently. We are heading out of the classroom.

As soon as we came out. I saw 'them'.

"Hey!!" The guy who gave papers to me called out.

"Yes sir?" Ish replied.

"Completed our assignments?"

"Yes sir." Ish took the papers from my bag and gave it to them.

All this time i was staring at the beautiful(not so beautiful) floor.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now