Chapter 1 - beers at the bar

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you jal and Michelle decided to go to the bar for a couple of drinks and discuss when Cassie will be back 

"Jal did Cassie tell you when she will come back from the clinic"

"No she was very vague but said that she will come back better"

"Michelle did she tell you anything?"

"No nothing at all just a text that she is going to be disappearing but will be back....I can't believe she didn't tell you anything y/n"

"Yeah I know's okay as long as she gets better that's what matters"

"Are we going to party tonight girls I don't know if anyone is throwing a party tonight"

After michel said that Michelle got a call from Tony as always she took the call and headed out the bar going to meet with him

"I guess she won't be coming with us"

"I think Chris is doing something at his house"

"Remember when he used to have a crush on you in elementary school y/n"

"Yeah no he was stuffing rocks in his pants"

"What if he had a crush on you now?"

"No thanks I don't think I wanna be put on the sports team of girls he's done laid with over the year"

"I don't think it's that many I think six"

"Six!? Just this year dang he's behind I was at least thinking twenty three"


"oh well he might catch up and if he's so grand why don't you pouch on him jal"

"No way"

"Alright let's get out of here"

"Well I got to go home after this to practice and then I'll see you at the party later yeah"

"Yeah of course"

"Text me the time"

"I will"

End of chapter 1 - beer at the bar
I'ma push this chapter out and see how many people like skins UK and go from there

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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