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Leonardo's POV

I entered the torture room and took of my jacket, Pietro was standing besides a man who was sitting tied to the chair and his head was lowered, he had dark hair and a few cuts on his face, mainly his lips

"He is Mrs.Bianchi close friend or even a best friend " Pietro said

"What do you want from me?" The man asked

"Is that how you speak to the most dangerous mafia in the world?" I asked crossing my hands

"I don't consider you the world's best mafia , I only consider you as my friend's husband "

"The things I will do to you today it's nothing personal but my wife did something I didn't like, since I don't hit women I'm going to take my anger out on you"

I went to the torture table and grabbed a catana and a dagger, I internally chuckled when I saw his eyes widen

"If you have a problem with Crys I could talk to her and make her apologize "

"I don't accept apologies "

"But what do I have to do with your problems?"

"She pissed me off so I'm going to use you to teach her a lesson, now choose katana or the dagger?"

"None of them"

"If I was you I would choose the dagger"Pietro advised

"non dargli consigli lascialo fare lo scemo"

He was in silence and I knew he was fighting with his thoughts and trying to find a way out of this situation

"If you don't choose, Crystal will pay"

"Just use the fucking dagger" he said giving in

"What a good choice"

I started dragging the dagger through his skin, watching his blood becoming visible each second, he closed his eyes preventing the tears coming from them, I knew he felt pain but how strong would he be to endure all this pain because of his so called friend?

I chuckled as I saw his body was full of blood and brusies ,for him they might be scars but for me there my present for him because he attended my wedding.

"Call the her" I ordered Pietro

"Boss she's in line" he said almost like a whisper for only me to hear

"Crystal if you don't get your ass here for the next thirty minutes your friend will die" I said

"What do you mean?" She asked confused

I hunged  up the call and ordered Pietro to send her the audio he recorded of Jay, Jack or whatever his name is cries and screams from being tortured

"Will she believe you?" Pietro asked

"If she doesn't get here, her friend's blood will be on her hands"

Crystal POV

I stood shocked and my body stared trembling when I heard Jacob's cries and screams , I had a lot of questions running through my mind but I also didn't have time

I got out of the house and opened the car door rapidly

"Drive to your bosses mafia" I ordered the driver who was confused on my sudden behaviour

He started the engine and drove to the building, when he parked the car and I quickly got out making my way inside the building.

"Where is your boss?" I asked one of the women there

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