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I decied to releaese this a little early because i wqs done writing

I decied to releaese this a little early because i wqs done writing

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How i am imagine trixie(but in human way)


Please spread this around

I feel miserable all the tume 💔 i cant do this anymore

I run upstairs and grab a jkniife and slice open my nose

I want a smaller nose

I keep on cutting until blood is every where and peices of human meart are on da floor

I cry

Why why why why why why why

"Go to school!

Shouts my mom i sighn and tun out my toom and go to school

I sit in class while everyone stares at me

I wish i could change

Brittiany (her backstabber best friend) walks up to me and gapss

What happend to your jose freak!!!!??!??!!

I cry into my hands but dont let her see i smile and say 'i fell

"Ph tittakt"

She waks away and i silenty cry

Befire the teacher could began i run to the bathroom and fund a screwdriver

I stab it into my arm and start slicing

Befire i know it my arm falls to the floor


i sob and hide it. In the trash befire going back to lesson

Next cahp out later!!!!!!

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