1 || Awakening

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Note: I do NOT own Dreamzzz or Ninjago, only any OC's that might appear. Please note, as it was stated in the show itself, that they are in Middle School (bruh, I was shocked). I'm not sure what grade Middle School ends (in my country it's called Primary, ends at Grade 7) so I'll make their school end at 7th Grade. Enjoy!


Dreaming is a great way to escape reality. Ask Mateo, he found himself doing that a lot lately.

The past few months were hectic, to put it simply. He had managed to lose his best friend of 8 years to some jerk in their science class. It had started with a project, in which they had been assigned in pairs to complete. Mateo had ended up with another girl (was her name Ashley? He couldn't really remember) while his best friend and some guy he'd never paid any attention to ended up being paired.

And that's when things went down hill.

At first he thought it was normal. They were partners for the project and they needed some time to finish the assignment. But then, the day they handed in their project, Mateo decided to approach Cooper hoping they could hang out.

"Oh, uh, sure, lemme get Logan", he had responded. Logan? Who the hell was that?

He soon found out when he entered the cafeteria. He found Cooper and this 'Logan' dude eating and talking rather loudly at one of the tables. He had slowly approached the table before sitting down besides his friend. Then he heard Logan scoff.

"Who's this chump?" He asked, eyeing
Mateo with such a look that almost made him want to crawl and hide away in a hole. But he didn't, he and Cooper had been friends since they were 5, having met back in Elementary school. They just... clicked.

Cooper winced, "He's not a chump, dude. This is Mateo. Mateo, meet Logan", before Mateo could even open his mouth to greet, Logan interrupted with a snort. "Aren't you that weird dude that draws comics about some green blob?"

"His name is Z-Blob" Mateo defended his creation. Mateo had such creativity that simply could not be riveled. He often found himself drawing more frames for his comic than he did for his homework. His comics were like a safe place to him. Only Cooper and his younger sister Izzie had ever seen the comic's contents. "He's my--I mean the superhero's sidekick"

Mateo hoped that Logan hadn't picked up the slip-up, but he did, and when he did, he laughed loudly. "Aw, poor Matty thinks he can be some superhero! Is that blob a sympathy parade? Something you drew to make you--I mean, your CHARACTER seem cooler? No offense, but it just makes you seem like a complete dweeb"

Ouch. Mateo knew he was gonna be made fun of, but he didn't expect such a reaction. Were his characters really... boring?

"Knock it off, Logan!" Cooper finally decided to speak up. Thankfully the bell had rung and everyone was now making their way to class. Mateo found himself sighing while watching Logan make a ruckus on the way to his next class. Cooper turned to him while smiling nervously and found Mateo already glaring at him. "Dude-"

"-BEFORE you say ANYTHING" Cooper quickly interrupted before the poor artist could finish his sentence. "I'm really sorry, man. I promise he isn't usually like this, he's actually cool"

"For someone who isn't 'usually like this' ", Mateo used air quotes. "It seems like he normally has a lot to say about people who aren't 'cool'." Cooper bit his lip nervously before saying:

"Maybe, he's right?" What? "I mean, dude, come on. A comic about some superhero who uses an overgrown pencil as a sword with a sidekick blob?"

"What, what's THAT supposed to mean?" The latter questioned incredulously as they stopped in front of Mr Oswald's class. Cooper sucked in a breath. "Maybe you'd be more cooler if you... I don't know, changed it up a bit?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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