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Magnificent house music played, and a video of the competition being broadcast live at the time appeared. And in the lower right corner, there was a sm all picture of the WE-E team players participating in the competition, led by Ha Jae-hyuk.

Since the players' voices could not be broadcast live, only the voices of the casters could be heard, but the excited tone of their voices showed how impo rtant this competition was.

- 'Ah, Ha Jae-hyuk! HCA's Judd turned around to catch Ha Jae-hyuk! It's d angerous! Ha Jae-hyuk, you have to get out now!'

- 'and-! I expected this! I expected this! Ha Jae-hyuk laid a trap on the bus h! The Judd player who stepped on the trap will be mercilessly executed! Ho w many moves ahead did you foresee?!'

- 'Now there is no jungle! Let's all play Serpent together and get the execut ion buff! Ah, but now the entire HCA, except for Judd, is here to stop you fro m consuming the Serpent buff?! WE-E, should I leave like this! There are 48 seconds left until Judd survives... ··· .'

- 'That moment! Ha Jae-hyuk! Ha Jae-hyuk jumps over the wall with Blink and hits HCA mid laner Jekali! I caught Zekali! Grab that! Grab that!!'

- 'HCA is now without two main liners! Under Ha Jae-hyeok's orders, we'll hit the serpent and get the execution buff! Now it's time to win! completely! T o Korea! 'It's completely tilted!'

- The owner of the '20** Legend of Legendary World Cup! korea! It has bec ome Korea!'

Clap clap-. Clap clap-.

When the video, which lasted less than 20 minutes, ended, a small round o f applause echoed through Eunkyu's room, which was filled with silence.

"I'm crazy...."

Even from Eun-gyu, who doesn't know anything about Leore, Ha Jae-hyu k's play was worthy of applause. I still didn't understand what it meant to fore see a few moves ahead, but when the opponent threatened to attack a serpent-like monster, Ha Jae-hyuk boldly jumped over the wall to catch the opponent, and it seemed like he was truly humanizing 'Ganji'.

Moreover, at the end, the small broadcast screen containing the WE-E players grew larger and changed to a full screen. While the other players jumped up from their seats, hugged each other and enjoyed the victory, Ha Jae-hyuk, who performed the most, remained calmly alone. How humble and cool he looked just sitting there and looking at his monitor. Eungyu watched that scene again by pressing the back button several times.

"It's so cool. ."

How can you be so calm after winning the International Game World Cup? Isn't this the second time in your life? If it were me, I think I would have been happy to run around so much that the other team's players would have been offended. I guess Eun-gyu wasn't the only one who thought Jae-hyuk was t hat cool, right? Okay, I scrolled down to see the comments on the video.

Teasa Joe (4 years ago)

A legend that will never be heard again


Yeommun-dong (4 years ago)

19:28 I saw Ha Jae-hyuk sitting like that alone while the people above him were running around and I was like, 'Huh? I thought he looked like he was thi nking, 'I won the Reald Cup again?' ^^ But I never thought he was building up to announce his retirement.... Hahaha


As big as Dil Porter (3 years ago)


But Ha Jae-hyuk is treated so much like a legend. It's funny haha. How ma ny pro gamers are better than Jae in our country? He's famous because of his sol-chiki face hahaha.

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