Chapter 22 (Magnus): Death And Retribution

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***TW for threat of knife violence***

After delivering the plants to Noli's store, I went by the day after I'd dropped them off to see if she'd taken them inside. They were still in the alley, so I went to my truck where I had containers of the special compost tea I used on my sites to get the container plants established. Grabbing one of the watering cans, I filled it with the tea and started watering the plants. When I was about halfway through, the alley door opened and Noli stuck her head out, looking at me curiously.

"Why are you here?"

"Watering the plants." 

Stab. Fucking fairies.

"You don't need to do that."

With a flick of her hand, the plant at my feet began growing, curling itself around my leg, until she flicked her hand again, and it stopped growing and released my calf.

I braced, and then said, "And I was hoping to see you, Magnolia."

Stab away, fuckers. Of course they did.


Could I word this as a question? Well, I could, but I wasn't going to let the little fuckers win.

"Because I miss you. Because I want to earn your forgiveness."

"I don't believe you," Magnolia said, even as I was stabbed twice.

You would if I showed you my chest. Hmm. I started to lift the hem of my shirt...and I couldn't. Not surprising. So now I knew they wouldn't let me show Noli or tell her. I wondered if I could interest her in a game of charades. 

"Thank you for the names of the artists," she said stiffly, as if she'd rather have every hair on her head pulled out rather than thank me.

"Happy to help," I said simply.

Fucking hell! I should have just acknowledged that with a nod.

"If you don't want the plants, Noli, I'll take them away so they aren't taking up space out here since I don't want them to die in the alley and be a mess that you'll have to deal with."

Stab, but motherfucking long-winded sentences for the win.

"I didn't say I didn't want them." Her chin came up. "I just don't have the shelves up yet, so I don't have any place to put them."

At fucking last. I could ask a motherfucking question.

"Do you have the shit for the shelves?"

"Yes, but --"

"Yes, but nothing. I'll help you put them up." 

Finally. That only got one stab.

Noli had many talents, but attaching things to walls wasn't among her skills. She'd once used fifteen nails to hang a picture.

Walking past Noli, I walked into her store and instantly felt calmer. Almost peaceful. I don't know if it was because of the candles she had burning or the pale colors on the walls or simply because this was her place, but it was homey and soothing.

"Where is everything?" I asked her.

"I don't want your help, Magnus."

"We can stand here arguing, or you can tell me where everything is, where you want the shelves and I can get them up and get out of here that much faster."

Only one stab for all of that. I felt like I was winning.

Two hours and a trip to the hardware store later, all eight of the shelves were up, and I was about to start helping her carry in the plants.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Three Witches #1: Magnus and MagnoliaWhere stories live. Discover now