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Cameron's POV

We make it to the orphanage and introduce ourselves.

We tell the lady what we're looking for which is a little girl, 2-3 years old that is in pull ups or potty trained.

She gives us files to look through and we come across an adorable little girl shes 3 and I want her so bad.

Her name is Clair grace and she has beautiful blue eyes and brown curly hair with blonde strips

She is.. Wow she's amazingly perfect for a 3 year old.

Me and Nash talked about it and he agrees that we should get her. I tell the head person thingy and she lets us meet the little girl.

When we meet her she glows and it was like happy spread through her body. She is in fact very energetic. o m g I love her already.

She got attached to us really fast.

After all the paper work and all that jazz Clair was ours now. I'm so happy to have a daughter.


"Clair, do you like ice cream" I ask her from the front.

"YES!!" she squeals. I hear Nash chuckle beside me. I smile

"Ice cream it is"

We drive for 5 more minutes until we finally make it to Diddy Riese, my favorite ice cream shop in LA. I'm sure Clair would love it.

Nash turns off the car and runs to my side to help me out. I know I'm pregnant and we have to be extra careful and cautious of everything I do now but come on, what's the worst that can happen getting out of the car.

After I'm out I go and get Clair out of her car seat.

"Do you want one of us to carry you or do you want to walk?" I ask her

"I want daddy to carry me" she says walking over to Nash motioning for him to hold her.

I and Nash as well stand stocked. Did she just call Nash daddy?

I just might die of adorableness. If that's even possible. Oh well

Nash finally comes to and picks her tiny body up placing her on his hip.

"Ready baby?" Nash ask Clair

She nods and he turns to grab my hand as we walk into the ice cream shop


"Clair baby, what do you want?" I ask the very aflame three year old.

She points to the Hawaiian Shave Ice.

We order, take our seats and eat while making small talk.

Our drive home was very eventful, Clair and Nash sung along to songs on the radio.

I know we had just adopted Clair and all and we have one on the way but this already feels like home.

IM BACK HIIII, I'll start editing everything when I get further in the book. I'm so sorry I've been gone with out warning and I'm sorry this is bad but I'm back and I'll start updating all my books now and more often


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2015 ⏰

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