Chapter 3

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We can take shelter here, Ira.

Right Rai, I also have a feeling that we will not have any issues here.

At the same time, Jed comes out of the truck and stands beside them. Ira shuts her mouth while Rai internally slaps the forehead and sarcastically says.

You and your feelings, never stop amusing me, Ira.

When Rai finds Jed standing beside her, she takes the backward steps and goes inside the mansion to hide.

She decided to keep herself away from this wild animal. Last time, the magical potion helped her but now she has nothing to safeguard herself except the one stupid human with whom she shares the soul.

King and Silas reach the mansion after sometime. Everyone disperses except Silas who stares at the Jed with a confused face.

Jed is still thinking about the wolf who disappeared in front of his eyes. He comes out of the thinking zone when he notices Silas eyes on him. They both stare at each other for a minute before Jed ignores him and shows his tail from behind while going inside the mansion.


Next Day

Ira Rai takes the refuge in an empty guest room at the backside of the mansion.

Yesterday, they both spent a long time in finding the room where no one visits for anything.  After spending some hours they found a room as per their expectation but what they missed to notice is that the room can be seen from the window of the king's room. They slept the rest of the day in the wolf form to energize themselves.

Rai wakes up and comes out of the room to go for a run forgetting that the potion effect will fade in an hour. Rai is running on the football ground while feeling the fresh monsoon air.

Happiness lives short thus that's what happened with Rai when she heard a sound from behind and saw the humans with guns surrounding her. What terrifies her is that the wild animal stands in front of these humans.

Rai what will we do now?

Ira whispers but Rai can feel her negative emotions which are saying that they are doomed now.

Wild animal moves forward to have her as his breakfast but he halts when a voice orders him.


Rai turns her face to the side to see her savior. Her eyes bulge out in shock not because of the man who saved her but due to the man behind her savior.

Only one word comes out of Rai's soul


Rai says in her mind on seeing the man who is standing behind their savior.

What? Do you know him? How come I'm not aware of Rai?

Ira starts throwing questions to Rai who shouts at her and pity on her fate that how and why the moon goddess matched her with such a dumb human. Why didn't she get a sane human as her companion. She can't harm the human because at last she will only feel the pain.

Why are you so dumb? Tell me where you hit the head before meeting me, Ira?

He is our soulmate not a friend mate. Don't you remember I once told you that every werewolf will have a soulmate with whom they share the intimate connection. He/She will be the lifelong partner.

The only word Ira caught from the whole speech is connection and she asks Rai.

How many soul connections I'll have. I have my own soul then with your soul and now his too. What am I? An unlimited networking portal or a power house. My name should have been a mitochondria instead of Ira.

Rai cries on her poor fate but her senses kick in when she sees her mate coming towards them. Before he can reach her, the other man comes forward and stops him.

King, don't. It's a cute wolf. Don't make it a menu for your favourite pet. It can be my pet.


Before King can say anything they hear two sounds - one growl and another roar.

What happened? Silas looks at Jed and Rai

They didn't like the word "pet"

King comments and sits on the one knee in front of the Rai who swoons over him with the love in her eyes but not before mentally shutting Ira.

The king narrows his eyes on the wolf and gets up.

You can keep the wolf but keep it away from the Jed. Otherwise, don't tell me if Jed does something.

King goes away along with the Jed who follows him like an obedient child.

Aren't you cute?

Silas comes and raises his hand to brush Rai's fur but Rai steps back with an annoyed look.

Okay okay, I understood. No touching.  You know why I asked the King to let you live here because it will be fun to trouble the Jed, that wild cougar. He wants to hunt you but now he can't do anything as it's King's Order.

King, a little different name. Rai thinks in her mind but her opinion gets the support from Ira who somehow comes back to the senses.

He is also different and I get a dangerous vibe from him, Rai. We need to be careful.

He is our mate. He will not hurt us, Rai defends the King.

Rai, how come you are becoming like me. He is a human but not the werewolf so he will not understand the soulmate connection. You have to be practical and think about our lives but not how you will impress the King.

Rai ponders over Ira's words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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