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Rayne and I returned to Easton almost at night. I fell asleep on our way here, and I ended up being carried by him. "I wonder if Sol went to class." I murmured while I was still at his back, which he just acknowledged with a soft hum as he continued walking through this silent hallway. I inhaled and buried my face on the crook of his neck and stayed like that till he stopped in front of a door.

"We're here." He informed me, which made me look up at the door and slowly get off his back. He made some stretches that made me smile. "Am I that heavy?" I asked with my brows furrowed, which earned me a shrug.

"Not at all." He answered shortly and smiled a little bit, which I returned. "I need to go. Be careful, and see you around." He bid his farewell, which made me sad. I don't really want him to go, not because I'm scared, but because I can't keep him with me all the time. A sigh escaped my lips as I lazily opened the door of our room and was greeted by Sol, who hurriedly made her way towards me.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt somewhere? Did that witch hurt you?" She questioned me continuously as she spun me around, confirming if I was hurt somewhere. A sigh of relief came out of her when she confirmed that I'm unhurt. A shy smile came out of my lips as she pulled me to him and hit me lightly on my forehead.

"What was that? Are you that weak, running away from some ugly hag?" She talked harshly, which made me laugh, and I covered her mouth. "Hey, don't speak like that." I hushed her, which made her roll her eyes, then I laughed.

"I'm not weak; I just can't help but blame myself for the accident last month." I sadly worded out what had happened that day, which made me receive a gentle pat on the back. "Let's grab something to eat." Sol offered with a smile, to which I agreed.

On our way to the kitchen, Sol asked about how I met Rayne. "It's during the exchange student event, and he was put to bed by my guardian during the event." I explained, which made her nod. We reached the kitchen, and it was not occupied, so we made ourselves welcome in the spacious area. Sol has a lot of stock to cook, which impresses me.

Sol just told me to stay still because, at my age, I'm still not a good cook. We talked about various things while we waited for the food to be fully cooked. While my attention is on Sol, who is happily sharing her experience in cooking, something caught my eye from the window that made me get up from my chair suddenly.

"Are you okay?" Sol asked me, to which I responded with a short smile. "I have to check something, Sol. I'll be back." I excused myself and immediately left the kitchen. I walked faster to the exit and made my way to the kitchen's view from inside, and in the corner, I tried to look for the figure that was standing near the tree.

I squinted my eyes for a better view and saw the figure. It's in there, and it was clothed in all black, which will make it harder for the eyes to see. "Hello, anyone in there?" I called and slowly made my way near the tree. I'm getting nearer to the tree when someone grabs me by the arm, which startles my being.

"What are you doing here in the dark?" I heard Rayne's sharp voice, and his hold on me tightened a little bit. My heartbeat calmed down somehow, and I made sure to smack him in the arm. "What are you doing, scaring me like that?" I questioned him back and furrowed my brows.

"I came to see you before I went off and heard your voice from here. Now answer my question." He uttered it seriously, guiding me back inside the school. "I saw some figure outside watching me and Sol from the kitchen." I told him, which made his expression darker. A little smile formed on my lips.

"Don't go off alone. I'll be back as soon as possible." He instructed and assured me at the same time, to which I responded with a nod. I slowly made my way to him and wrapped my arms around him for a hug, which he returned tighter. "Take care, Rayne. Get back soon." I told him with a smile. I waved my hand at him, and he did the same and turned around to make his way to his mission.

A sigh escaped my lips after I couldn't see him anymore. I turned around to go back to the kitchen and saw Sol. "Where have you been? Rayne came to see you." She informed me. "Yeah, I get to see him on my way here." I answered her, ignoring her first question. I made my way to the table and sat there. We started eating the food Sol made, and after that, we went back to our room to clean up ourselves.


Sol's already asleep, and here I am staring blankly into the ceiling. My head is still roaming around that mysterious figure that is hiding in the shadows. Why is it watching me and Sol? Could it be Safira? I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but my effort was fruitless. Damn it.

Fidgeting finger is one of my fears of being jaded in the class with a bald professor in front writing the lessons that don't allure anyone's interest. With my chin in my hand, I look fixedly outside the window where I am sitting right now. Wind slipping through the window that ripples my [hair color] as well as the curtains dancing along the breeze. Pain pangs my heart without any reason. Maybe because I didn't get any sleep last night?

"Hey, are you alright? You look like a ghost." Sol pointed out how embarrassing I look. I didn't know that she also has a Dark Magic class. I just nodded and tried to focus on the professor in front when it called my name. "How about you stand, [your name], and show how you accumulate your magic? I heard that you possessed two magic types." The professor said, which made the entire class look at me with amazement and intrigued in their faces, which made me sighed.

"Damn it." I hissed under my breath and slowly got up. Will I be able to do this here? It's damn dangerous. I put my hand inside my cloak and held my wand. I once again glanced at the person in front, who was patiently waiting. "Can this be done outside? It's dangerous that you wanted me to demonstrate dark magic in this area." I spoke out harshly out of worry that I could hurt someone again.

"Alright, class. Let's proceed in the open field." The professor announced this, which made the whole class get up and leave the classroom. Sol followed after them, leaving me and the professor the last to exit the room. "Show me something good, [your name]." My eyes went to the professor, who was smirking at me before he made his way, following his entire class.

What did he just say?

What did he just say?

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INOPINATUM REDUX [sequel] - RAYNE A. Where stories live. Discover now