Mao Mao x Red Crown Reader

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This prompt is a crossover of Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart



When you were younger your village was attacked by a plague that killed off nearly everyone in the village. Especially all the lamb villagers. Turns out this plaque wasn't just going around in your village but around the world.

Your parents, desperate to keep the species alive set up an agreement with a certain family. Which turned out to be Mao Mao's family. The agreement was that once you both turned 18 you would marry each other to keep the species alive. You and Mao Mao being around 5-7 at the time didn't understand what your parents meant by that but it wasn't until you both got older that you understood.

You and Mao Mao would hang out a lot when your parents brought you over to his place for a "play-date".

When your parents died your caretaker, named Gŏu was pushy about the whole marriage thing. He made you practice how to "act like a lady" and even tried to push the wedding/marriage to 16 instead of 18.

When you turned 15 you finally had enough and ran away from your home to have an adventure of your own. On your adventure you found a crown that gave you powers and used to become some what of a traveling hero.

On your adventure you met Mao Mao again you guys stayed together for a little while before you went your separate ways.

Now, how will the sheriff react to seeing his once betrothed crush once again.


More Details:





Love Interest:

Mao Mao

Ages Through the Past:

You:6-7/ Mao Mao:5(Young Mao)

You:18-19/Mao Mao:17(Green Mao)

You:26-27/Mao Mao:25(Present Mao)


Extra Things:

-You have met all of Mao's sisters and Bao Bao.

-People have tried to capture you due to you being the last of your species.

-You and Badgerclops get along well.

-You and Tanya Keys have a good relationship/bond with each other.

-You lost part of your ear from a capture attempt from a bounty hunter.

Can Include:Swearing and NSFW Scenes

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