Boom Goes the Lab

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       Dr Larven's POV
Finally it's today. My dream ever since I was a kid. They are all coming true today. You might not know what I'm talking about so let me explain. I am a scientist and ever since I was in the uni I've always wanted to travel in the quantum realm so I have been working on a machine that would help me travel there. This is no small machine. This Mach weighs over 200 tons and is almost 5 miles wide and 800 feet high just imagine this huge structure. If I pull this thing off I'll become a world class scientist.

"Dr Larven it's time. The press are outside waiting for you" my assistant Dr Lillian comes to tell me.

I get up, dust off the imaginary dust on my suit and put on my glasses. I walk out to almost a hundred flashing lights all waiting for me to give a speech

"Today" I start "Marks the beginning of a new era in the world of science. Today after the activation of this machine we will be able to travel into the quantum realm a realm a lot of people know about but know very little about. Today we will travel into the quantum realm"
The people begin to cheer and the reporters are already calling my name when I am escorted out of the podium.

I arrive in lab where the activation process has already begun.

"Dr Larven something is happening. The engine is overheating"
Overheating? That's not possible the material we used for the engine is supposed to expel heat so I run over to check what is happening. Low and behold it was actually overheating

"Turn on the emergency cooler to the maximum" I shout out

" It's not working. We'll have to turn it on manually" Darian the engineer say

I reply" It's too risky"

"We have to try. Pedro come with me"

Five minutes have passed and no sign of cooling down or Raymond and Pedro. Just as I was going to call them through the comes there is an explosion. It affects the entire city then a huge heat cloud appears from the lab spreading into the city. I blacked out and next thing I know I'm waking up to the sound of beeping and I can't see anything neither can I feel my legs. Yep I'm blind and lame now

*Authors note: Hi this is my first story. I really hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment and vote for the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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