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Sorry if this chapter took awhile to come out, I have been busy and I've been trying to figure out a few personal things at my own home, so I really hope that y'all don't mind that this is a little bit later than I had expected it to be.
Anyways I hope yall enjoy the chapter 2 of this book.

After the day I had been taken away from the home I had grown up in since I was a baby, it had been nothing but constant moving. It felt like nothing ever seemed to stop and all I did was just be a bother to people who where looking for a normal child. I didn't know what I had expected when the man came, deciding the take me from my home and throw me into a system where kids with no family's went,, to get families. I just thought that it was going to be more different than I had actually gone through, although I guess I could say I must of gotten the better half of everything that was happening to me.
My first family where ok, but it was just an old couple. And you can guess where that would go, I stayed there for about a month before the man hit the dump and passed away in his sleep, I had guessed that the women got to upset about her husband that she just threw me back to the system fast as she could. I didn't mind it really, there house didn't smell as good as you would expect an old person's house would. The next family.. well.. person, who tried to foster me was a women, she didn't look great from the start. I still feel like I can remember every single thing that went down in that house hold, and its just,, not something i really want to relive at the moment. all i can say is that when i got the chance to leave that place i took it as swiftly as i was able to do. those where the only two people that really took an interest in me from the start. That all happened in the first couple months off me being there,, it wasn't fun but i guess it was nice to have some sort of human being taking care off me. i couldn't say that about the women though i suppose.

later in the afternoon, i had sat down on the little scuffed bed in bedroom for the girl's. it was cramped but it was nice to sit in there during lunch time, if you managed to finished your lunch early then you could go back to your room before any off the other girls got there,, i abused that pretty much at any point i could. i flopped myself down onto the bed, my nose pushed up against the scratchy surface that was supposed to be a blanket. i lifted myself up and just sat there for a second just looking around at the other beds, my eyes scanning the area carefully as i tried not to seem like i was just being creepy. after a minute or so i snapped out off my thoughts when i heard the creeky, wooden door slip open behind me. i turned my head over to see one off the foster care workers, their name was Liza,, they where sort of nice to me i guess, they would always give me flashlights at night so i was able to see what i was reading in my book. i yet again had to snap my thoughts away to turn back to Liza, going a smile back to her when she eyed me again.

' hello Miss Liza,, ' I spoke, my voice wasn't like the other girl's and boy's here, probably because almost non of them had grown up in France,, i have very French accent and i normally couldn't pronounce my words properly.

' Hello Y/N, I have great news to tell you! ' i watched her walk over and sit next to me on my bed. ' A man want to adopt you! He is coming by today to talk to you before he take you back to His house! i promise you that I'm sure this time will be much better than the other 2 people. "

As I listened to her talk about the 2 other shitty people that decided to take me in before than this apparently new man. I sort of just turned away, reaching over to grab the book from the little table next to my bed and placing it right down in front off me. i blocked out her voice and after a few minutes I'm pretty sure she started to catch onto what i was doing and finally left me alone in the room. it wasn't that i was scared to go with them, but that i was scared they were going to call me weird because off the way that i act. I'm 11 years old, but almost 12, and i don't act like a normal 12 year old should. I'm supposed to be mature, but I'm not,, I'm childish and i can't speak properly anymore. I cant spell words and all the practise my biological father put me through so i could write was thrown away the past 2 years. I have a lisp and i can't speak, my French accent doesn't make it any better. I'm always getting made fun off because my English is so bad, French has been the best language that I've been able to speak. I learned for my parents, and now what would they think that i can barely remember anything they taught me. I just didn't want my new family to think that i was a weirdo.. But getting the chance to have a real family would be amazing, so at that moment i shook away the bad thoughts and jumped off the uncomfortable bed. I landed on my feet and Sprinted over to a little cupboard, getting out my dad's old brown bag to pack all my stuff, determined that i was going to be taken home by this family today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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