03| the meeting

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3rd POV
later that day
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THERE MÉLUSINE STOOD, WAITING IN TOMS APARTMENT FOR HIM TO GET HOME. She had just gotten there with Rachel dropping her off.

To say she was excited was an understatement, Mélusine couldn't wait to see the love of her life again. She missed him more than anything.

Standing in the kitchen, she heard the door open and the sound of keys falling into its bowl. Footsteps coming down the hallway and turning into the kitchen, where they stopped upon seeing who was in it.

The sound of a heavy back hitting the floor was the only noise throughout the whole apartment.

"darling" Tom said as he exhaled all of his breath in shock.

Before Mélusine could say anything back, she was already embraced by Tom. The smell of his slight cologne filling up her senses, she sighed in delight and lifted her arms and put them around Tom's neck.

They learned back and forth throughout their hug, moving side to side squeezing each other tighter than they ever had before.

"I missed you Mon Amour" Mélsuine whispered, burying her face in Tom's neck.

The sound of Mélsuines French accent made shivers run up Toms spine, before he responded. " I missed you as well, my love"

Tom wrapped his arm around the small of Mélusines back, while the other wrapped around and played with her hair.

They both stood there in Tom's kitchen embraced in each other, completely content to just be in silence once again, in each other's arms.

It's what they wanted, what they didn't realize they needed so much.

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New Instagram post from mélusinedozier
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✿⁠°• ⁠♡•°♡°•✿New Instagram post from mélusinedozier ✿⁠°• ⁠♡•°♡°•✿

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liked by ilovemsdozier, taylorswift and 800,900 others !
mélusinedozier: never wanna be away from you again Mon amour ❤️


ilovemsdozier: me neither, darling
mélusinedozier: stopppp you're making me blush!!
→ ilovemsdozier: hmmm... No.

username: so whoever 'ilovemsdozier' is, is her boyfriend?
→ mélusinedozier: 🤷

taylorswift: the second photo ? 😭
→ mélusinedozier: I like bubbles.
→ taylorswift: ah okay, my bad.

username: they look like they're so happy together!!!
→ username: how can you tell it's literally photos of hands 🤨
→ username: girl let me live

lanadelrey: you guys are so cute !!!
→ mélusinedozier: he says thank you ❤️

username: her hair in the last pick ??? 🥵
mélusinedozier: thank you!! he did it!

username: I need a man who can do hair ↑
→ mélusinedozier: get it, it's amazing
→ ilovemsdozier: is that all I am to you?
→ mélusinedozier: you know how I feel about you Mon amour
liked by ilovemsdozier

username: and people don't like them??? just because they don't know who she's saying 🙄↑

username: i like bubbles too.
liked by mélusinedozier

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* cordelia speaks ! *

[#] I love bubble baths

[#] I love bubble baths

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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