Hanging out with TTPD ( all 3 together this time)

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Lover- Alright today I'm finally with TTPD I'm so excited to meet her better
Rep- I'm right next to u
Lover- My cute lil jealous baby love hottie
Rep- Loveeeee I'm not jealousss
Lover- U so are reppy baby (kisses her)
Rep- Mmmm okay let's put some sweets, drinks, that we have sth when she comes
Lover- Okay

Time passed and TTPD comes to them

TTPD - Oh hiiii girls
Lover- Heeey how are u
TTPD - Great and u
Lover- Same
Rep- Hey
TTPD - Heeey, really nice house
Lover-Thanks , u can have anythin u want here
TTPD - O u did this all so nice for me
Rep- Yeah take anythin u want
TTPD - So girls how's goin
Lover- Really great! I'm just enjoyin with her sm she's the best gf u could ever ask for fr , it's like I'm so in love that I might stop breathin
TTPD - Awww that's really cute , I told u already u're so cute together, that I don't talk about lil hotness too
(Lovertation laughs) Rep- Well ur hot too
TTPD - Thanks
Lover- Anddd what are ur plans
TTPD - Well I'm usually hanging out with Midnine often , but when I don't I go clubbin sometimes and just go out to eat um have some cake , drink yk anythin just that I'm out
Lover-Oh that's nice , do u write songs
TTPD - Absolutely, I can give u girls one playlist so u can listen to all of the songs I wrote and we can already bet u'd be shakin it off on some of them
Lover- UUUU I'd like to hear them give us

TTPD gives them her songs ( Fortnight, Down Bad , ICDIWABH, SHS, IMGYB, Guilty as sin and WAOLOM) and they continue to talk

Rep- I like the song names , baby I think SHS would be kinda like our song to blast yk
Lover- I'll tell u when we'll listen to it did u guess
TTPD - I can discover that it definitely is, also really good for dancin and like it has great energy like ICDIWABH, u can shakin it off on these 2
Lover- We'll definitely listen to them today
TTPD - Text me ur thoughts free
Rep- Sure
TTPD - UUU OMG where did u buy these cookies I'm obsessed
Lover- Yeah right they're so delicious
Rep whispers - Not like u
Lover (hits her leg with her )- They're from the store ummm like exactly 13 mins from here
TTPD - Oh yeah ik it I'm definitely gonna buy like 3 pieces, this is the first time I'm tryin them and I'm already obsessed what
Lover- Reppy really likes them too
Rep- Yeah they're really great but I might love sth else sm more than that
Lover whispers ( stop bein hot not now )
TTPD - What's that
Rep- Her
Lover- Oh u didn't
TTPD laughs- OMG okay I um I absolutely didn't expect that rn
Lover- I'm really sorry she's always like this
TTPD - No no no don't be sorry it's actually lil funny , she really adores u but that hotness from her even Midnine doesn't do that in front of anyone
Lover- Yeah we're worse with it but just ignore , just like u didn't hear anythin
TTPD - U two are so funny and fun I'm really glad that I scared u in the club
Rep- AHAHAHAHA Mid was right ur actually really great to hang out with and as a person ofc
TTPD - Ty , I'm literally surrounded by hotties cuz like I have u 4 as friends and all of u are hotties like WHAAAAT
Rep- Ah that's, can't help
Lover- Well u don't have to say that cuz u're actually one of them too right
TTPD - I'm hot a
Lover- Yeah she told u already
TTPD - I'll show u now what's hot wait
Rep- Um
Oh yeah these photos absolutely yeah u really there
Lover- Damn yeah that's really hot here look at the one with this black top
Rep- Yeeaah absolutely hot, how that u don't have a gf
TTPD - Thanks, aaahh well idk no one comes up to me I only have Midnine and u two and what I can , no one's findin me attractive nor nothin anddd the girls in the club ah most of them are like u together I never found anyone pretty and hot but single
Rep- Well in that case I could send u someone hot and ik that she's gonna fit u absolutely perfectly
TTPD - Oh my u fr
Rep- Yeah
TTPD - Well who's that
Rep- I'm just gonna give u her number , just tell her that u know me, I'm ur friend and it'll be okay , the rest we'll see
Lover- Damn baby ! Since when ur finding gf- s for someone
Rep- Love we can bet she's gonna fit her perfectly just wait , I already see them together
Lover- Okay okay that's now really interesting, my hottie's connectin 2 girls which she thinks they'll be in love so soon
Rep- Exactly
TTPD - I'm kinda excited, I owe u if u really connect us
Rep- No dw u don't have to do anythin just trust me she's gonna fall in love with u the same sec she sees u
TTPD - My god okay , OMG it's already 16:13 I have to go now but next time we all can go out somewhere what u think
Lover- Sure
Rep- Yeah ofc
TTPD - Great ,I'm glad I was with u here today , text me tonight about the songs
Lover- Absolutely yeah and we like u sm
TTPD ( hugs them) that's so nice , ilyt girls byeee
Lovertation- Byeee

Rep- Aaaaahh that was really fun
Lover- U findin her a gf already hm
Rep- What, I'm gonna have u in the bed for 3 hours straight if they fall in love the same sec when they meet
Lover- Oh u wanna bet with it
Rep- Yeah sure , but I already know what's gonna be tonight too
Lover- Uhhhh hottieeee u always got me no matter what
Rep- And u like that
Lover- Fuck yeah

Suddenly they hear Midnine outside

Rep- What the actual
Lovertation- ( TIWWCHNT LAUGH with their door opened)
Rep- Ofc what did u think, we heard u since u were there( pointin where)
Mid- And this is really funny how I fell down now right
Lovertation- Yeah
Rep- AHAHAHA come in
Nine - We just saw TTPD lil before
Lover- Oh yeah she was here we were hanging out
Mid- Anddd
Lover- Absolutely perfect
Mid- Told u , u just had to meet her real good
Lover - Rep already found her a gf
Lover - Yeah
Nine- Wow Rep we definitely didn't expect that DAMNNN
Rep- Well of now u could expect absolutely anythin from me
Lover laughs - TTPD literally tried these cookies today and she's already obsessed so u two try them rn
Mid- Mmmm delicioussss
Rep- What in theeee
Mid- Yeah baby what the actual fuck was this word
Nine - Ummm phenomenal, perfect and delicious all in one
Lover- AHAHAHA good one
Mid- Alright hotties we want u to go out with us on Monday like we can go have a pizza out
Rep- I agree
Lover- Yessss sureee

They continue to talk and have fun until Midnine goes back to home so they greet each other and leave. Lovertation is now finally alone and yk that's the best part

Rep- This day was really sth
Lover - Yeah OMG it's about to be 21 already what
Rep- Love
Lover - Say
Rep- How about we have a nice dinner now and then go do all, shower and then finally our fav part
Lover- Yk I agree baby
Rep kisses her and starts to make dinner

Time passed. They did all in order just how Rep said and now FINALLYYY their fav part

Lover- Comeeeeee
Rep jumps in her- FINALLYYY
Lover- Mmhh baby I wanna sleep long tmm don't u dare wake up earlier
Rep- Hmmm dw about that I won't go if u say so, I can cuddle u for hours just laying in u or u in me how u want
Lover- That's exactly what I want every day when we wake up
Rep- U got it
Lover- U don't have panties a
Rep- Hmmm I don't? How that? I thought I put them on what
Lover- Fuck u
Rep- I'll fuck u

They ended up smilin, laughin, makin love to each other and ofc kissin and cuddlin before falling asleep

NOTE- FUCKIN 1430 WORDS! First time in history this long woah can't even believe to myself! Wrote this all for an hour and 3 mins! Yeah this was really fun right! FUCKIN LOVERTATION IN SURPRISE SONGS TONIGHT LIKE THE BOLTER X GC BUT THEN AOTGYLB X CRAZIER BUT I SEE GC AND AOTGYLB LOVERTATIONNNN AAAHHHH INFARCTSSS ALL THE TIMEEE! Ily guys enjoy ❤️

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