170 1 3

•Male caregiver
Female little ( 4-5 )


" daddy i wan grapes! " the little screeched from the kitchen. " you know we don't have any. Pick something else please. " the daddy replied. He then began to walk over to the fridge, showing her all the other options she could pick from.

( the daddy had been dealing with his grumpy little all morning, her purposely making his life more difficult because she was in a bad mood )

" no daddy! Gwapes now! " she yelled even louder then before, the daddy was losing patience for her every second that went by. " okay you know what fine, daddy will go get them at the store but you'll have to come with me. You're too little to be left alone. "

" but nooo! " ( she hated going to the store when little because she found it boring ) The daddy just shook his head ( ignoring the whining ) and picked her up. She whined more but thought it would be useless. But she was fine since she would get her grapes she'd been craving.

He carried her to the car, putting her in the back seat and fastening her seatbelt for her. Making sure it was secure before walking to the front seat and getting in himself. Before he left he angled the front mirror so he could see her at all times.

Then he stated the car and they were on their way, along the way she became more impatient the closer they got. " daddy! " she said sassily. He just ignored her because he knew that it would be another when are we going to get there question.

But she didn't like that he was ignoring her so she started kicking the back of his seat, hoping that would get his attention. And she was right, it did.

It got his attention but not the way she expected. She suddenly felt the car slow down and she watched it as the wheels turned so that the car could pull off to the side of the road. (" oh no ") she thought to herself.

He got out of the car and made his way over to her door, somewhat whipping the door open he stared at her, and not in a good way.

" do you want me to turn this car around? Why don't we just go home if you're going to act like this? " it was no question that he was definitely a bit aggravated at this point. " no dada... " she said quietly.

She knew she was in deep trouble and it would take some serious effort to get herself out of it. She put her pacifier in her mouth and looked down at the ground.

" are you done being a brat? " he asked, she nodded her head 'yes' she was a little ashamed and embarrassed from being scolded but she just kept her head down until he inevitably walked back to his seat and hopped in the car.

The rest of the ride went pretty smooth but when they got in the parking lot, oh boy...

It was absolutely packed with people, he was actually considering going back home but he knew that would only end in his little having a meltdown. So he quickly parked and got out of the car.

He got her out and they went in, total zoo. He got out a cart and grabbed his little by the hand, careful as to not lose sight of her.

They walked around the store grabbing things they needed for the house but of course made a stop to where the grapes were. Her making sure to pick out the best ones.

Once she found a bag she deemed alright they left the store. By this time she was getting upset because of two reasons. One, she needed a nap. Badly. It was way past her nap time. Second, she of course wanted to eat her grapes.

On the way home she was been a hundred times worse then on the way there. Kicking, screaming, crying. You name it. And all he could do was try to communicate with her, but it wasn't very effective since he had half his focus on driving.

After what felt like years of driving they finally made it home. He went to the back seat and unbuckled her from her seat and picked her up and hugged her, his poor baby only wanted grapes and her nap. It wasn't her fault.

He brought her and her grapes in the house, figuring he could grab the rest of the groceries later on. " daddy *sniffle* gapes? (Grapes) he nodded and gave her a few in a bowl. Then he went and sat on the couch, all the while her still clinging on to him.

A few minutes later she was done and her eyes were closed but she was still a bit conscious. That's when he asked her if she wanted to go for a nap to which she quickly agreed. He got her ready for her nap, changing her into something more comfortable and tucking her into bed.

" you really wanted grapes today hm? " he asked his little softly " yes dada tank u " then he turned off her bedside lamp and went to walk out of the room, muttering a small goodnight. But before he could go he heard a quiet voice. " hm? Did you say something baby? " she nodded.

" dada stay for nini? " she looked so cute when saying it there couldn't be any possible way he could say no. So, he laid in bed with her and they both fell quickly asleep.








Holy moly this took so long to write. I've been so busy lately. School is really stressful lately but at least it's almost summer!

Anyways I just wanted to thank everyone for all the support I received so many reads on this book so far and I'm so grateful. (A very special thank you to all who comment too!)

Goodnight for real everyone, hope this story made you day/night a little bit better

1007 words ❤️

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