Encyclopedia-Biology-10-A: Fairies.

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Fairies are a very common breed within Highvale, so we as writers believe that you should know what kinds of fairies there are just in case you ever need to identify which kind you are talking to.

00-General Knowledge:

Fairies are between 4'11 and 5'4 feet tall, though their small stature is nothing to be laughed at compared to other species of humanoids as they're both fast and strong for their size.

01-Water Fairies: 

Water Fairies are one of the most common fairy variety's within the Kingdom of Highvale, you can tell them apart by other fairies by the texture of their wings. Their wings often have designs of water embroidered onto them from an early age, such as droplets, rain, or waves. they don't use their magic offensively, mostly defensively if having gotten into a fight.

Their magic is also very useful in areas like the Skylands or in the Ruined Lands of the West, as it helps crops grow in the soil of the respective regions, no matter if there's drought; they may also sometimes work with grass fairies if droughts or soil quality is very bad to be able to keep food growth regular throughout the season, though this only works certain times because, if used too much, the soil begins to wither into an unfarmable state.

As well, If a grass and water fairy are to become partners and mix, they will create marsh fairies. If mixed with fire fairies, they will become cloud fairies.

02-Grass Fairies:

Another common fairy type, the grass fairies. The way you can tell them apart from Marsh Fairies is by their wing design, much more softer than the ragged edges of the marsh fairies, as well as their designs of grass blades, hemp leaves, regular leaves that are undulated, sinuated, serrated, etc.

They are able to use their magic to grow crops, flowers, trees, and anything of the sort quicker than normal, though this drains their energy quite quickly. They fight defensively as well, not trying to initiate fights as their magic is not meant for offensive attacks. But, one thing that helps them by far is that they are the most connected to nature, thus keeping them safe from predators. (Also, their whimsy is unimaginable.)

03-Fire Fairies:

The third most populous race of fairies that resides in the kingdom, they're the most hot headed as studies have shown while surveying the population of each type of fairy, they have also been shown to be the most confident and arrogant; of course not all of them are but they're the majority.

There are many ways to identify a fire fairy, like by the fiery feel of them being nearby, their wing patterns showing flame designs, or them getting into fights with many people all at one. They have been shown to be some of the most aggressive fairies as their magic is much more focused on offence rather than defense. 

But, there is one race that Fire Fairies wont even get near: Magma Fairies.

Lets see, if a mountain fairy is to mix with a fire fairy, they create Magma fairies. If an Ice fairy mixes with a fire fairy, they will create water fairies.

04-Mountain Fairies:

Mountain fairies are most commonly found in the Highlands of Dor, and the neighboring mountains that make an artificial border with the Barony of Winby and Proper Highvale. They are the most physically strong fairies, being able to use their hands to push mountains about 5 meters without magic.

You can tell them apart by the rocky and uneven design of their wings, as well as their designs of mountains on their wings, overall, there isn't much to be said about mountain fairies as they are rare and mainly stick to the mountains, even our scientists haven't been able to properly record one that they're so illusive, we haven't managed to talk to one in many years, maybe since 1091.

05-Lightning Fairies:

Lightning fairies are one of the three races that predominantly live in the Barony of Winby, the others being the Cloud Fairies and the Mountain Fairies. The reason they live here is due mostly to the stormy weather where they enjoy their time above the clouds along with the Cloud Fairies.

They can be told apart from other fairies due to the lighting symbol that they have on their wings, as well as their wings actually looking like lightning struck them, their magic is usually used offensively at each other as they are immune to lightning spells or lightning magic. To them, it's merely a tickle fight. It also surprisingly does not affect Cloud Fairies as well.

06-Marsh Fairies: 

Marsh fairies are a mix between Grass and Water Fairies as stated before, though they are somewhat rare to appear as usually the child between a water and grass fairy normally becomes one side of the parents more than the other, but on the off-chance both genes of the parents mix equally, that's how a marsh fairy is born.

When young, a marsh fairy is indistinguishable from one side of the family, either focusing on water or grass magic, but when adolescence comes around, that's when they begin to find their true self and begin to have an affinity for both styles of magic.

When adults, they can either choose to wield both styles of magic or form the magic they've learnt into one, strong magic that can create marshes, thus fully making them a marsh fairy.

07-Ice Fairies: 

Ice fairies are some of the strongest in offensive magic, being able to freeze and stun their opponents with their magic. They rank just below the Magma Fairies in strength and power, but rank higher than them is offense. 

Ice fairies aren't born, they're made. Water Fairies go towards the highest mountain in the Highlands of Dor and train there until their water fairy magic is replaced by Ice-magic. The process usually takes 3-4 months to complete the transformation, and 5 more to master their spells, taking 8-9 months to become an ice fairy from a water fairy.

08-Magma Fairies: 

Magma Fairies, the strongest fairies there are out there. Their defensive magic is nothing to be scoffed at, and neither is their offensive magic. They are the most prideful and don't even use their wings often, leading them to being weaker than normal.

They are Immune to all Fire attacks, while managing to keep on even pacing with Ice, when they're both fighting... Always bet on Magma. They're prideful and hold themselves to a very high standard, they will hold everyone and anyone to justice if they feel they have been wronged in any way.

While they are a mix between Mountain and Fire, they are also specially had under the Banat Volcano, a hotel which we wont get into the specifics of today. Ask your parents, not the book... for now.

09-Cloud Fairies:

Cloud fairies are most commonly found in the Barony of Winby, closely nit with the thunder fairies they share many a culture and beginnings, they are much kinder than the rest of the fairies. While some others may be harsh or try and seek out their own justice, cloud fairies are almost unable to be mad at someone. It's rare to see such a sight.

You can clearly tell them apart by their wings, instead of flapping them to fly or do anything of the sort, they just levitate instead! How exciting! They're very light, only weighing about 50 pounds each, but they're still heavy enough to look like a normal fairy rather than a starving one.

Their magic isn't the best, it's only useful to be able to make rain whenever a council of water fairies deems it necessary to, but it does boast some high defense possibilities!

10-Rock Fairies:

Rock fairies, the mix between Water and Magma. Their magic is suited more for defensive types rather than offensive, but they can do both well. Their wings are underdeveloped as a result from their Magma counterpart, but they are still able to glide through their battles with ease.

There isn't much to say about them as they are a very recent species, but what we can say about them is that they might just be the biggest threat towards avian species, as there have been reports of Rock Fairies shooting down Pidgeon humans from the sky.

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