Encyclopedia-Biology-10-B: Beast Humans. (Mammals)

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Moose Humans: Sitting at about 7 - 8 feet tall on average, Moose Humans are a species of the Beast Human familly, closer to deer humans, and the actual Moose, rather than true Humans.

They live in the Highlands of Dor, more specifically, they will be found on the mountain range that creates a border between Winby and Highvale-Proper, as well as any place with carniferous trees.

They have horns on the top of their head like true meese do, they have an above average strength that makes them strong enough yo be able to lift up small trees, though it comes at a disadvantage with their eye-sight being on the bad side, having to often use glasses or contacts, though some prefer to go without help for whatever reason.

Deer Humans: The more skiddish cousin of the Moose Human, they sit at about 5'3 feet on average, they live in plains biomes, like the Skylands; Living much more like nomads, staying at one place for a time, then moving to another side of the plains.

While they may be much more skiddish than other species of Beast Humans, they are very great at running away from those who wish them harm with their incredible speed, though since they focused mostly on speed, they're mostly weak and fragile.

Cow Humans: Sitting at 5'11 or 6 feet in height, Cow Humans are one of the most common Beast Humans you cand find everywhere. They're just like you and me, but are most commonly distinguished by their horns, and strange affinity for piercings and cow bells.

While their horns depend on the gender, the males having larger and thicker ones while the females have skinny but sharp ones, they both enjoy the art of piercings, as they can most commonly be found outside, or working in a piercings shop.

[DISCLAIMER: You cannot milk them, or ask to milk them. It is considered rude in their culture and is only reserved for partners and their 'special time'. ]

Cat Humans: Cat humans are known for their stealthyness, as well as their exceptional hearing and their wonderful night-vision. They're most commonly rouges or assasins hired by kingdoms due to their soft feet with pawn on them.

They are most commonly found in the Ruined Lands of the West, as well as in the Skylands and the Windus Clique. Their species of cat determines what kind of height they'll have and what their personality will be, though their height can range from 4'10 to 5'1.

Their personality can range from smart and snooty for black cats, calm and collected for white cats, as well as silly and crazy for orange ones, the orange ones have the least brancells according to scientists.

Dog Humans: They share all the characteristics of their non-human counterparts, they're loyal, friendly, and will stick by your side. They can also look different depending on where they were born! As huskys live in the snowy land parts of Dor and the Golden Retrivers live in Highvale Proper. Their height can differ from species to species.

Fox Humans: Fox Humans share some similarities with Cat Humans, they seem to be a tad more sneaky, but much more keen to work for themselves rather than the kings or governments that want to hire them.

They mainly live in the Barony of Winby, with their jobs slightly shrouded in mystery but many can assume them being rouges due to their reputation.

They average about a good 5'3 on a good day, and they come in many colours like red, blonde, white, and brown.

Lion Humans: The pride of the Léonis Federal Union, they stand proud at 6'2 living in cliques and prides of their own, though they don't need to considering their status as royalty in Léonis.

Tiger Humans: Like their lion counterparts, they are prideful, and stronger than the lions, but keep themselves isolated aside from finding a partner, ambushing, instead of chasing like lions

Rabbit Humans: Rabbit Humans are a very communal people. They dwell in the mainlands of Highvale and Winby with several clan councils dictating their laws and such -indepdent of Albanius IV- Standing at 5'3 - 5'6 they are known to be very good at farming and thievery.

Wolf Humans: Wolf Humans are often found in packs with about 10 or 20 of them in a single pack, each having a matriarch and a pratiarch. They can be found in the Mountains of the Highlands of Dor, and those in Proper Highvale and Winby.

Standing at 5'7, they're the only race of beast humans to be domesticated, them having been domesticated by humans many years ago, eventually turning into the Dog Humans we know today.

Their packs often include Crow Humans  (See more on the next page.), because due to the crow Humans intelligence and the speed and power of Wolf humans, they make great hunting groups, them being the main predators of the kingdom, living outside of all cities and preying on all those who travel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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