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Chapter 1016—Debt Repayment

It wasn't until midnight last night that the elders of the Li Family finally made a decision. They decided to give up the best quality pills and instead try to appease the Doctors Association.

After all, the Doctors Association was so powerful. If they could get on the Doctors Association's good side, the benefits would far outweigh just a few best quality pills.

But no matter which decision they made, the Li Family's vitality had been severely damaged, and their status in Yongan City had plummeted. Therefore, the Li Family guards were somewhat dispirited.

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly rang out, "Where is Li Zhenyu? Let him come out and pay the money!"

The guards were all startled. When they looked up, they saw two young and tall men standing at the gate.

The Li Family guard was in a bad mood. Now seeing these two come to cause trouble, he shouted furiously, "Who are you to disturb our young master? Get lost, or don't blame us for being rude!"

Before he finished speaking, his vision blurred, and he heard a loud bang. The entire person was thrown out like a cannonball, crashing into the door panel hard. In the pain of broken bones, the heavy door of the Li Mansion creaked under the huge impact, and he collapsed to the ground.

In mid-air, Little Dumb Cow, who had rolled into a big ball, returned to his original shape and fell to the ground with a bang.

Little Egg immediately leaned forward, touching his ugly little head and praising, "Little Cow, good job. When we return, I'll let mom cook for you!"

Little Dumb Cow was praised and caressed by Little Egg, his whole body shaking with excitement as he made a silly laugh.

But Little Egg had already returned to Little Golden Dragon and the others. The little group lined up and shouted loudly, "Pay the debt, Li Zhenyu. Get out and pay off the money you owe!"

At this time, everyone in the Li Family was shocked.

The first one to come out was an old man who looked to be in his early fifties. Seeing Bai Hu and the others walking in, his eyes widened as he shouted angrily, "Who are you? How dare you cause trouble in our Li Family?"

Bai Hu crossed his arms and sneered, "Where is Li Zhenyu? Let the turtle grandson meet his grandpa!"

The old man said angrily, "You should report your name first and make it clear why you're looking for Zhenyu. If you dare to walk in bluntly, don't blame me for being rude!"

Bai Hu said leisurely, "I'm Bai Hu, the guard of He Xi. I'm here to collect the debt from Li Zhenyu for my young master."

Due to the commotion, a crowd had gathered outside the Li Family's door, poking their heads in to watch the excitement.

Bai Hu was very satisfied with the current situation. He took out the debt note and showed it to the old man.

"May I know who you are in the Li Family? But no matter your cultivation, you should understand words, right? This is the debt note written by Li Zhenyu himself to the Changle Gambling House. Now he has lost the bet, but the Gambling House gave us this piece of waste paper to our young master to repay the debt. If you were our young master, would you accept it?"

The old man was startled at first, then he glanced at the debt note intently. With just a glance, he took a deep breath. The number of crystal stones written on it almost made him faint.

Chapter 1017— Might as Well Rob

While showing it, Bai Hu smiled and said, "Can you all see clearly? This is written by Li Zhenyu himself. The handwriting is his, and there is Li Family's seal on it. Everyone here please see it clearly, lest Li Family refuse to admit it later and say that our young master is blackmailing them!"

Most of the people who could live in the vicinity of the Li Family were big families in Yongan City. They were not afraid of the Li Family and were even willing to watch the Li Family make a fool of themselves.

So when Bai Hu asked, they immediately laughed and echoed loudly.

The old man of the Li Family looked pale, and he couldn't speak for a long while.

At this moment, a majestic voice came from behind, "Cheng'an, what happened?"

The old man turned his head and saw the visitor, and he immediately said in surprise, "Patriarch, they are here to make trouble! They claimed that Zhenyu owes them crystal stones and we must pay them back."

What came out was a middle-aged man who looked younger than the old man, but he seemed to have an extraordinary vibe. His cultivation was obviously extremely high.

Many people immediately recognized the identity of this person. He was Li Zongming, the patriarch of the Li Family and the father of Li Zhenyu.

As Li Zongming heard this, he glanced at Bai Hu and Gu Liufeng with a cold gaze and said coldly, "You 2 break into my Li Family and cause trouble, what are your intentions?"

Bai Hu dug his ear and said impatiently, "Do you people of the Li Family understand human language? Didn't I just say clearly enough? Li Zhenyu owed our young master crystal stones, so we are here to collect debts."

The old man Li Chengan, who came out earlier, approached Li Zongming and whispered the amount on the debt note and the ins and outs of the matter in his ear.

Li Zongming's eyes widened slightly, and his face turned gloomy. He gritted his teeth after a long while, "How do you prove that this debt note was written by Zhenyu? It is clear that you are working with the Changle Gambling House to blackmail our Li Family. This is simply ridiculous. If you get lost now, I can still let you go…"

"Hahahaha—!" Before Li Zongming could finish his words, Bai Hu had already laughed and interrupted him. He turned to the people at the gate, "See? I told you earlier that Li Family will refuse to admit it. He even said that the Changle Gambling House forged this debt note. Changle Gambling House was able to forge Li Zhenyu's handwriting, and they also forged the seal of your Li Family?"

Immediately, he put away his smile and coldly, "Whether this debt note is real, can't we make it clear after Patriarch Li let Li Zhenyu confront us?"

Li Zongming was infuriated hearing the ridicule of the crowd.

He said bluntly, "Zhenyu fell from the city wall that day because of you guys. Now, he is recuperating in the Yunlan Sect. If you want to find him, wait a few months."

Bai Hu was amused by the shamelessness of the Li Family.

He didn't smile, but he released a faint murderous intent, "Then does Elder Li mean that you don't want to pay the debt?"

Li Zongming sneered, "Showing an inexplicable debt note, and you want us Li Family to pay such a large number of crystal stones? In your dream! You might as well rob us!"

Bai Hu sneered and said slowly, "Elder Li is really smart, how do you know that we are going to rob?"

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