Mystery's unsolved

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Sorry for the long break.

Izuku POV:

I quickly grab the oversized yellow hoodie and wear it. It fits over my entire body and easily covers me down to my legs, which just barely stick out. I grab the hood and put it over my face, I mess with it for quite a while, trying to get my horns to fit under the hood. Once I get the horns under the hood I walk into the streets of the area, getting a few strange looks. Most of the people around the area just assumed me to be a lost kid, and did nothing to help.

I follow the nearby road towards where I saw the golden particles, at that scorched shop. I walk down the streets, before a tall muscular man stops me.

Deatharms POV:

While on patrol through the shopping district, I came across a small figure. The small person was wearing an oversized yellow hoodie. They appeared to be lost, so I stopped them to see how they were doing. I put my arm out in front of the figure, before raising my voice slightly to speak to them.

"Hey there little guy, you doing alright?"

I don't get a verbal response, just a nod which was hard to notice due to his covered body. I crouch down and lower my arm to stop blocking his path. I talk to the figure on his own level, like how one would talk to a child. I get a good look at the figure. He has a white face with pitch black eyes, hell he doesn't look like he has eyes at all.

I decide to give him a warning before walking off.

"Be careful, villain attacks have been on the rise recently. Stay safe."

The figure just nods again, before continuing to walk away. Odd, usually people are more exited to see a pro hero. I stand up and continue walking nearby before my earpiece buzzes. I put my finger up to stop the buzzing, and begin to talk.


My earpiece lets off a bit of static, before a professional sounding voice comes from the earpiece.

"Deatharms? We got a report of an escaped villain near your area. He escaped from police custody at the mustafa hospital about 5-10 minutes ago. His identity is still awaiting verification, but he appears to be a short person with black colored skin, and a smooth white head made of bone. He has also been described as looking eyeless. Other details will be given upon request."

I quickly turn around to find the person I was just talking to, but I don't see the figure anymore.

"Damn it! Listen, I saw him less than a minute ago, send a few more heroes to help me lock down the area and get this guy!"

Izuku POV:

I quickly round the corner, who knows how long I have before they inform the heroes nearby about me.

I spot the torched store, which has some police tape blocking the front door. I duck under the tape and enter the store, quickly finding some golden particles. The particles appear to be coming from a notebook nearby, which is covered in layers and layers of soot, the book looks scorched but its still intact. I pick the book up and open it, carefully flipping through the pages. Each page is details on a hero, from info on their quirk and fighting style, to their outfit choice and its synergies with their quirk. Essentially it's a guide on how to counter a hero, at least for me.
I take the notebook with me as I leave the destroyed store. For some odd reason the particles don't stop emitting from the book. I just ignore them.

I walk along the streets blending into the crowds of people the best I could. I listen to the crowds conversations as I walk amongst them.

"Did you hear? Apparently there is a big group of heroes looking for an escaped convict!"

Another person scoffs, before responding in a condescending tone.

"Of course, and which hero agencies are looking for him? If it was endeavors agency they would have him captured by hours end, but of course it's not."

I just stop listening to the rather dumb conversation, zoning it out. Before long I cut off from the main crowd, and head far away from the shopping district.

Hero POV:

I was inside of the agency building, I was a sidekick usually tasked with cleanup duty. We had a pretty uneventful day, up until mid afternoon when we got an all hands on deck call from the hero commission. Something about a rogue villain with high quirk potential, and countless unidentified anomalies.

All of our sidekick staff and main heroes were split into groups of 2-3, where we were all assigned areas of the city to patrol. I was put into a group of 2 with someone I barely knew, a fellow sidekick with long blue hair. We both didn't say a word as we made the rounds around the mall. After about 3-4 hours I started to get a bit restless and annoyed by the repetition of our task, just walking around the mall area. 

All of the staff were split off in groups to look around the city. I made rounds close to the mall, but found no sign of this mysterious person. I eventually called it at 3:00 AM, when I had seen nothing all day. 

Deatharms POV:

I wake up to my phone buzzing. I slowly climb out of bed and walk towards the buzzing phone, a call from a hero commission officer. I sigh and look at the top of the screen, 5:23 AM. I pick up the call. I decide to give my usual greeting.

"Deatharms here."

There is a 2-3 second delay, before a loud and static voice responds to my greeting. The voice is way to digitalized to be human.

"Greetings Deatharms. Sorry for the late call, but we have a lead on the escaped villain. We need you to show up to the briefing at 7:20"

A lead? How could they have possibly gotten a lead on the villain so quick? I got only a glimpse of the guy. Well, no matter. Gotta get ready for a long week..

(1026 words)

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