Chapter 8

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The ride back to my dorm was awkwardly silent.

It was only a ten minute drive back to my dorm but it felt like a million years.

I was contemplating making basic conversation again but that never goes well so I stayed quiet, until Nathan did it for me.

"How come you were walking to your dorm alone?" He asks.

"Oh. Mia ditched me for Liam." I sigh.

"Aw, that sucks. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I'm used to it."

Nathan was about to continue talking when, all of a sudden, I spotted something in the road, illuminated by the headlights, causing me to screech at the top of my lungs.

Nathan pulled the brakes and I bolted out of the car.

It was a cat.

It's a little gray kitten with these beautiful ashy eyes.

She was majestic. (If you couldn't already tell.. I'm a cat person.)

I held the kitten in my arms as Nathan got out of the car with the most bizarre look on his face.

"It's a little baby cat." I say softly, careful not to disturb her.

Nathan puts his hands behind his head and sighs as a sign of relief.

I must have scared him half to death.

"Sorry about the.. uh.. screaming, back there." I apologize.

"It's alright, I've just never heard anyone make that high pitched of a sound before."

I laugh it off.
"So, what are we going to do with this guy?" He asks.

"Girl." I correct.

"Girl." He smiles.

He would be such a good girl dad- wait no. Bad Cait! Do not think about this man like that. Ugh.

"I'd take him with me but the dorms don't allow pets." I might actually start crying.

Animals are my life. I have this adorable ginger cat back home named Biscuit and he is the sweetest thing. It broke my heart to leave him behind for college.

"I'll take him then." Nathan shocks me "I live off campus and my apartment allows small pets. You could come visit her whenever you like."

I stare at him way too obviously because he's smiling now.

"You'd really do that?" I must have the most giant doe eyes staring up at him right now.

"Of course." He answers and I swear to God I heard him softly mumble 'for you' right after but I must be going crazy.

I stand back up and thank him.

We get back in the car and continue driving.

"What are you going to name him?" Nathan asks.

"Earl." I answer almost immediately.

"That's... random."

"Ok, but if you think about it... this cat is gray like the tea" Nathan is completely lost "like early grey tea, hence the name 'Earl' and I know she's a girl and Earl is typically a guy's name but these are more progressive times and I think she would still be accepted into society, or at least cat society. Is there even such a-?" I snap my mouth shut because Nathan's eyes aren't even on the road anymore.

They're on me.


"Nothing, I just like hearing you talk. You seemed quiet when I first met you."

"I am." I say "at first. Then it becomes impossible to shut me up."

"Why would anyone want you to shut up?"

Oh. My. God. Death. Of. Me.

"I guess sometimes I talk too much."

"Not for me."

The car pulls to a stop.

"We're here." He announces before getting out of the car and opening my door for me.

I hand him Earl as I get out (and yes that is her official name. Don't come at me).

"Thanks for the ride and for taking in Earl."

"It's my pleasure."

God. Even in the dark, his hazel eyes sparkle.

I walk back to my dorm room and plop down, face first, onto my bed.

This new job is going to be interesting.

I hope you guys enjoyed it!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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