heavenly restriction

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When Izuku was four years old, he learned that he had no quirks.

He was devastated, this was all he wanted. He needed a quirk to become a hero! Just like the Almighty! But he was a quirkless, useless, pre-evolved freak of nature. At least that's what his parents told him. That he shouldn't be alive, that they regretted calling him their son.

He shed so many tears that night, sobbing as quietly as he could. Because for the first time in his life, his parents hurt him.

As soon as they returned home, his mother immediately closed all the windows and blinds. He didn't understand why she did it, was it really so awkward for her to have a quirkless son that she had to make sure no one saw him?

Then his mother started yelling at him. She had done this before when he was in trouble, but this time was different. She screamed at him in disgust, pure rage and hatred towards him.

He began to cry - a normal reaction for a four-year-old child when he was yelled at for something that was not his fault. He wiped away the tears streaming down his face until his mom grabbed him by the hair and yanked him to look at them.

"I'll give you a reason to cry, you fucking asshole!" 

Mom hit him hard. The force was strong enough to knock him off his feet. He just started crying louder and louder and she kept screaming and screaming and screaming at him for being such a disappointment.

He vaguely remembers her kicking him in the stomach to the point that he vomited. He vaguely remembers his mother stepping on his wrist and crushing the bone, but he remembers very well the sharp, burning pain. He remembers blood gushing from his hand. He remembers the blood he spat out. He remembers having to clean up "his mess" the next day because of his broken wrist. He remembers those days, The days were filled with pain and suffering, endless suffering, blood and tears.

 He remembers those days, The days were filled with pain and suffering, endless suffering, blood and tears

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He thought the pain would stop before he was sent to the shelter. After his mother committed suicide after her son could not stand it as soon as he arrived at the orphanage. But how could this be, because he is an eccentric.

 But how could this be, because he is an eccentric

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