Dinner party

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A/N kinda a request but I changed it a bit

"Tay, you ready?!" Travis shouted up the stairs, adjusting his tie. They were going to a charity event hosted by one of their friends. 
"Almost!" Taylor replied, adjusting her hair in the mirror. She made her way to the top of the stairs and gave a little twirl, as Travis looked on in awe.
"You look amazing baby" Travis whispered, unable to take his eyes off his girlfriend.
"So do you" Taylor smiled, giving him a peck on the cheek before sitting down to put her heels on.

Taylor was wearing a long, light blue dress which was simple but beautiful, and had her hair in curls down past her shoulders. Travis was in a black suit and tie which matched his girlfriend, and his beard was freshly trimmed.

Taylor was taking her time sitting on the step, whilst Travis was waiting by the door.
"Come on Taylor, we're gonna be late" he urged her- they were due to leave ten minutes ago.
"I can't get this shoe on!" Taylor cried, chucking the heel across the hallway and burying her face in her hands.
"Woah" Travis was taken back by her outburst. He went to collect her shoe and knelt down next to her. He gently took her hands away from her face and kissed her on the forehead, not sure what had caused the tears.
"Why are you crying baby?' He asked, wiping away a year that was snaking its way down her cheek.
"I don't knowww" she whined, leaning her head back against the wall.

Travis took her black heel and carefully guided her foot into it, doing up the buckle. He held both his hands out and Taylor grabbed hold of them, as he pulled her up. He pulled her into a hug, kissing her just above her ear.

"No more tears, okay?" he said, looking into her eyes. She nodded sheepishly.
"Are you sure you're okay to go? We can stay back if you want" he asked her quietly.
"No, no" Taylor declined. "We've already said we're gonna go, and anyway we've gotten all ready now. I'll be fine"
"Just tell me if you need to leave, okay? We can go whenever you want" he said, opening the front door and holding out his hand.
"Okay" Taylor smiled at him, taking his hand as he led her to the car.

"Taylor!" Gigi cried as they entered the room, engulfing her in a hug.
"Hiii" Taylor laughed, hugging her back. Travis hovered behind the pair awkwardly, not wanting to leave Taylor alone.
"You're sitting over there" Gigi pointed to the other side of the room. Taylor followed her finger, her stomach dropping when she realised they were at a table with no one they knew.
"There was no where else to put you, and I thought 'who makes friends better than taylor?'. Sorry" she apologised, looking back at Travis too.
"Oh no, it's fine" Taylor smiled, trying to look okay with it. The last thing she wanted today was to have to talk to strangers.

"Zara!" Gigi cried to the people behind them. "I have to go" she patted Taylor's arm before going to welcome the new arrivers.

Travis took Taylor's hand, sensing her reluctance. "We can leave if you want? We don't have to stay" He whispered in her ear.
"No, it's fine. It will be fun" Taylor replied, trying to convince herself more than anyone else. She set off towards their table, Travis following behind. He could sense how much she didn't want to do this, but one thing about Taylor was that she was always 'fine'.

"Hello!" Travis greeted the two other couples at their table, shaking their hands. "I'm Travis, and this is Taylor" he gestured to his girlfriend behind him who gave a little wave. She didn't want to do this. But she had to. Travis pulled out the seat for taylor, who have him a grateful smile before sitting down. As soon as they were sat the other couples started talking, and Travis pulled Taylor's hand into his lap, squeezing three times.

It started off well, all six of them chatting about work, their children, and other stuff like that. But after about an hour Taylor could feel herself getting tired. She started to shut down a little more, staring down at the table and sitting out from the conversations. Travis could sense her shutting off and leant over to her.
"You okay? Do you want to go home?" He asked her, whispering.
"No, it's fine. Actually, I'm going to go to the toilet." She stood up, excusing herself.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Travis asked, wanting to keep an eye on her girlfriend and check that she was actually ok.
"No it's fine" she said, turning and making her way towards the bathroom. Travis watched her leave, wondering if he should go follow her. But his thoughts were soon cut off by the man next to him asking about his next game. Travis peeled his eyes away from the door and started talking, keeping his worries about Taylor at the back of his mind.

Taylor locked the cubicle door and sat down on the closed toilet seat, glad she had managed to escape from all the people. She was just not in the mood to socialise that day, and as she rested her head in her hands a tear slipped down her cheek. She was so emotional for no reason.

Suddenly, she felt something wet in her pants. Her stomach dropped, thinking she had just peed herself. She quickly hoisted up her dress and sat on the open toilet. She pulled her pants down, and felt like she was about to burst into tears at what she saw.

'Why now? Why today? How did I not know?' she thought to herself, rummaging through her purse for a pad or tampon. She was out of luck, remembering that she had emptied them out the other day with the intention of replacing them.
"Fuck" she muttered, letting the tears fall. She didn't know what to do- she had left her phone at the table so she couldn't call Travis, the stall she was in was out of toilet paper and there was no one else in the toilets with her. She couldn't exactly pull her pants up, and she thought she had gotten some blood on the dress. Her tears kept on falling as she sat there, unsure of what to do.

Travis was getting even more worried. It had been fifteen minutes and Taylor still hadn't returned, so, excusing himself politley, he made his way towards the ladies toilets. He carefully pushed the door open, looking downwards just in case some else was in there. Once he was sure it was all clear he looked up, looking down the long row of cubicles.
"Taylor?" He called softly, making his way down. Just then he heard a muffled sob, followed by a collection of sniffles.
"Tay?" he asked again.
"Trav?" Taylor croaked, thankful he was here. Travis went over to the one locked door and knocked on it gently, knowing his girlfriend was behind there.
"Can you open the door?" He asked, trying the handle. It was locked.
"I cant" Taylor cried, embarrassed.
"Why not baby? Whats wrong?" Travis asked, sensing his girlfriends discomfort. " I want to help you"

Taylor hesitated for a second, before carefully unlocking the door. Travis pushed it open, and his heart broke at the sight. His girlfriend was sitting on the toilet, tears streaming down her cheeks as she looked down at her lap, ashamed.
"I started my period" she whispered, her bottom lip wobbling.
"Aw baby, why were you scared to tell me? I just want to help" Travis knelt infront of her, gazing into her watery eyes.
"I thought you would make fun of me" Taylor's bottom lip was turned down in an adorable pout, wobbling ever so slightly.
"Why would I make fun of you?" Travis asked gently. Taylor shrugged.
"Lets sort this out, then we'll go home, yeah?" Travis said, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Taylor nodded, taking a deep breath.
"Could you get me some toilet paper please?" She asked quietly, gazing up at him.
"Of course baby" Travis replied, going and getting some from the other cubicle.

After they were sorted, and Travis had checked Taylor didn't leak through, they exited the toilets. Travis lead, with Taylor right behind him, her head down. She gripped his hand tightly and Travis squeezed it every few minutes, just to reassure her she wasn't alone. They made their way to the exit, weaving in and out of groups of people and tables.

"Travis, hey! You're leaving already?" Gigi came up to the pair, a glass of wine in her hand.
"Yeah, we had an emergency" Travis said, trying to get around her.
"Oh ok, see you soon then!" Gigi exclaimed, making her way to the dance floor. She was very obviously drunk.

Travis tugged Taylor's hand slightly, leading her towards the exit, trying to go fast to avoid any more encounters.

"Travis, Taylor!" A voice from behind them called. It was one of the guys from the table. He quickly caught up to them, standing infront of Travis.
"I was wondering why you left so quickly! Anyway..." He launched into conversation, not caring that neither of the two were replying to him. Travis tried to cut him off multiple times, to tell him they had to go, but he wouldn't listen.

He could feel Taylor getting restless beside him, and when the guy launched into a new topic that was the final straw.
"I'm sorry, I've told you we need to leave but you're not listening and you won't shut up, so bye." He barged past the guy, taking Taylor with him and exiting the hot and stuffy hall.

"Come on baby, are you okay?" He asked her gently, leading her towards their car. She nodded, as he helped her in. He climbed in the other side and took her hand, as she buried her face in his shoulder.

"You're okay" he cooed, stroking her hair.

A/N part 2?

Also I was thinking of doing a oneshot of tayvis x greys x station 19, but I'm not sure how it would turn out. Would you guys maybe be interested in that?

Anyway I hope you enjoyed

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