Chapter 4: Clearly, Still Angry

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Mo Jingshen's eyes widened in shock. He leaned back to avoid her kiss.

Ji Nuan was also unsure of where her sudden rush of courage came from. She stood up on her tiptoes and tried to kiss him once more. She held onto his shirt tightly, unwilling to let go or even loosen her grip in the slightest.

Mo Jingshen pushed her away with some force, and said with his low and deep voice, "Ji Nuan, you don't know what you are doing!"

"I do! I'm very clear about it!" Ji Nuan continued pressing close to him without giving up. Her bright eyes stared straight at him. "Mo Jingshen, tonight I will either stay here with you or return home with you! You choose!"

The night obscured many things from sight, but it could not cover the determination in her eyes.

Mo Jingshen stared at her for half a beat.

Ji Nuan returned his gaze without hesitation.

Mo Jing Shen did not reply to her but suddenly threw his suit jacket on her body. This was his direct way of answering.

Seeing his silent reply, Ji Nuan's eyes burned a little.

He was clearly mad at her, yet he still treated her so well.

She really resented the cold and brutal heart she had in the past.


On the road back to the Yu Garden, Ji Nuan sat in Mo Jingshen's car. Her snow-white hands were currently playing with the car's seat belt.

Occasionally, her eyes moved to the side, drawn to the man driving quietly next to her. The lights on the road flashed red past the window. His thin and clear eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Looking back on everything that she had done, based on Mo Jingshen's family background and everything he had already achieved, he could have left her alone at home and gone out to play with any female idol or famous woman of his choice.

However, he never seemed to give any other woman a second glance.

She suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence in the car, "Mo family's chauffeur doesn't seem to show up often. Do you always drive yourself home?"


"You didn't sleep much yesterday. After working for the whole day, don't you feel tired?"

Hearing this, Mo Jingshen glanced at her.

His eyes seemed to be saying: That he could not sleep yesterday, was it not all because of her?

Ji Nuan looked away immediately, her ears slightly warm. "What I mean is, you shouldn't ignore your health for work. Next time when work ends, come straight home to rest..."

Before she could finish her words, a large truck sped towards them from the road ahead. Even when turning, it did not slow down. As though its brakes were not working, It headed straight towards them-

"Watch out!" Ji Nuan called out in a panic.

Mo Jingshen had already turned the car in the other direction, avoiding the truck heading toward them. The screeching sound of the tires rang loudly-

Ji Nuan had been playing with her seat belt earlier causing her not to have protection against the sudden movement. Her body fell forward while her head knocked against the front of the car. It hurt to the point where she could not help but call out in pain.

"Does it hurt?" Mo Jingshen immediately reached his hand over, carefully checking over her reddening forehead.

"Ss... Don't touch it!" Ji Nuan flinched, pushing his hand away from her forehead.

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