Chapter 1:Surprise

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Hello, little lemons and cupcakes
This it the first chapter, and I have bad grammar still.
So I hope you lil' lemons and cupcakes won't mind
Tom’s POV:

The sun was slowly rising, clouds parting away from one another, and Birds were singing.

The Early birds start to awaken at their beloved home, while some continue to sleep in.

And I was awake on my phone watching porn in the morning at 3 AM.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 6:20 AM, so I finally got up before shutting off my phone.

I walked to the bathroom, and remembered I left my towel in my room.

I went back to my room, and grab my towel….Aggressively.

I soon walked back to the bathroom and I finally took my first bath of the day.

-After A Few Minutes Later-

I got out of the shower, my towel wrapped around my waist.

I went back to my room and put on my a gray t-shirt, blue hodie black pants, white socks, and a black and white checkered shoes, before brushing my hair and going downstairs with my dark blue bag.

Once I reach downstairs, and saw….Her
“Good Morning dear!” Elizabeth says picking up a plate and placing the eggs and bacon on it, “Good morning to you too…Elizabeth” I say as I grab the plate and glared at her.

“You know you can call me Mom, right?” She says as she goes back to her cooking.

I rolled my eyes and turned around, I heard her sigh as I walked to the island table, took my seat and started eating.

I looked back  at the clock hanging at the wall, it was now 7:02 AM.

I reached out for my phone in my pocket but it wasn’t there, I immediately checked all my other pockets I had on me.


I soon remembered I left it on my bed, so I immediately ate my food.

Once I finished, I went back up to my room and grabbed my phone, before going back downstairs and out the front door.

The outside was very…

How do I say this, well weird and loud or what  others would say chaotic.

As I put my wireless earphone on, I start to walk to school.

I ignored the people around me, they were all annoying anyway.

I soon stopped at a red light with some other people around me, I can’t even breathe or move properly with some coughing in and sneezing while I am being squashed to death.

I just decided to use the long path, and continue on walking away from those people.

As I was walking I pulled out my phone and used it.

When I removed my earphones I heard my feet step on something crunchy…

I looked  up from my phone and saw








And the worst part is, this forest is known for being the most dangerous forest with MANY and when I say many I mean many bodies has been found here…


No one goes here to relax anymore

'Does that mean I'll die here and not get a proper burial.
Unless the animals are proper and might bury me, But STILL!'
I say in my mind as I start to think of ways they could kill me

I looked behind me saw a dark forest thinking I might still be able to get out, and when I did I calmly said in my mind.

“Oh I am Dead as Hell”

2 hours later, I am on the ground accepting my fate.

I waited and waited for a wild animal to come by and eat me but not even a single animal came…

Not even a damn BEAR!

It confused me, since this forest is known to have many dangerous animals.

I soon heard leaves on the ground floor being crushed and bushes moving, so I got up immediately.

I looked at where the sounds were coming from, and I closed my eyes with my arms wide open, preparing for the pounce and pain

What a surprise,
It never came

Instead, I heard a tiny little voice.

“What are you doing?”

I open my eyes, put my arms down and look down to see a child…


Well, I mean it's nothing new since the deaths in the forest are mostly children who decided to break the rules and go here…but still'

I say to myself, a bit shocked

“ You're acting weird” she says as she starts walking again, “How did you get here?” I ask her.

“The question here is, how are YOU here?” She says as she stops and turns to me before crossing her arms.

"There is a literal lock on the gate! How did you pass through-" she says before coming to a halt and started to think about something

"DID YOU BREAK MY LOCK!" She shouts out at angrily, "that was my favorite lock"she says looking at her hands then up at me

“Huh? There was a lock?" I ask her a bit confused.

The child looked at me angrily then soon looked behind me.
Though her eyes widened, she looked like she is still abit angry.

“What's wrong?” I say as I look back and forth to the child and the dark forest behind me.

“Nothing” she says as she slowly backs up and runs away to the direction she came from, “HEY!!” WHERE ARE YOU GOING KID!” I yell out as she starts to fade away in the dark.

“Welp, it's her demise” I say to myself as I turn around and I…

Blacked out…

The last thing I heard was the sound of someone running back here and that same voice of the little girl

“What a surprise…”

Thats the start, I still have many chapters to go!
Word Count: 968
I'll see you all Little Lemons and Cupcakes in the next chapter♡
Continue to smile☆
And buh-bye!

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