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As I gazed out the window, the morning light cast an eerie glow on the tense faces gathered in the room. The air was heavy with anticipation, like the moment before a storm breaks.

Galinera's question hung in the air like a challenge, "Why did none of the brave adventurers return from the Temple of Elements?"

Sorcerer Lord Arthemis sighed, his eyes clouding with a mix of concern and ancient wisdom. "The Temple of Elements is no ordinary place. Eldria Sea, a legendary leader of the Magic Headquarters, knew of  a realm of immense magical energy and dangers. Only those with the purest of intentions and the strongest of wills can survive its trials."

Logan, a member of the Sorcerer Sanctum, continued, "To prevent evil forces from exploiting this realm, Eldria sealed it, wiith the Temple of Elements guarded with powerful runes. No one has escaped its grasp... until now."

Hieromagus Zaphyr, spoke up, "The only way to enter the temple and return unscathed is through an artifact left in the possession of the Magic Headquarters. The Starheart Crystal, forged from the essence of the elements and the heart of a star, resonates with the temple's ancient magic, revealing the hidden passage to the Vultihala realm."

Sorcerer Lord Kaelith's eyes gleamed with determination. "The Starheart Crystal is our key to unlocking the temple's secrets. But be warned, it's hidden in a treacherous location, guarded by powerful elemental spirits and deadly traps."

Adrien, my friend, voiced our shared concern. "We know we must venture into the Temple of Elements as said in the joob request flyer, but we are still unaware what we are supposed to retrieve?"

Sol, another member of the Sorcerer Sanctum, replied, "We seek the Tome of Eldria. Stolen by a rogue faction centuries ago, it reappeared briefly, but we cannot let it fall into their hands again. We believe it's hidden within the temple, as Eldria himself wrote it."

The room fell silent, the weight of our mission settling upon us like a shroud. We knew we had to act quickly, before the rogue faction could claim the Tome and unleash its secrets upon the world.

Hieromagus Zephyr's wise eyes gazed at us, his voice filled with gravity. "Since only Magic Headquarters members know how to find the Starheart Crystal pendant, you six won't venture unaccompanied. I've assigned Eryndor and Princess Calanthir to join you on this perilous quest."

Sky's face lit up with excitement. "The honor of having a princess on our team is immense! We're truly grateful, Princess Calanthir."

Princess Calanthir's smile was warm and genuine. "The pleasure is mine, Sky. I must say, I'm delighted to meet all of you. In the spirit of friendship and trust, may I ask that we introduce ourselves? I'd love to know your names, ages, and perhaps we can start a beautiful bond, just like Eryndor and I share."

I felt a slight pang of discomfort at the mention of their close friendship, but Galinera stepped forward with grace. "I'm Galinera, the oldest among us at 23, and an Archmage. It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess."

Sky followed, his grin infectious. "I'm Sky, 21, and thrilled to be part of this adventure!"

Adrien introduced himself with a nod. "Adrien, 21, at your service, Princess."

Lyra's voice was like music. "I'm Lyra, 20, and excited to join this quest with all of you."

Amaru, my loyal pet, chirped in, "I'm Amaru, Azera's faithful companion! Nice to meet you, Princess!"

I took a deep breath, my voice steady. "I'm Azera, the youngest at 17, but ready to face whatever challenges come our way."

Princess Calanthir's eyes widened in surprise, her brow furrowed in concern. "17? I'm shocked, Azera! You seem so capable and but I feel that you are a bit too young!"

Hieromagus Zephyr nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "Indeed, 17 is quite young for such a perilous quest. But we won't dwell on it now. I believe you have have a strategy to discuss. Reconvene with the others and plan your approach."

With that, he stood up, his long robes billowing behind him, and left the room, leaving us to ponder our journey ahead.

Princess Calanthir turned to us, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Shall we discuss our plan of action, then? We have a long and treacherous road ahead of us."

With that, we began to discuss our strategy meticulously. Then we decided to head off to begin our adventure.

As we settled into our seats on the train, the excitement of our journey was palpable. Senior Eryndor's voice cut through the chatter, "Our destination is the Deep Jungle in Xianity city, northeast of here. It's a treacherous terrain, but with our combined strength, I have no doubt we'll succeed."

Sky turned to Lyra, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Can you believe it? A real adventure! I've heard stories about the Deep Jungle, but I never thought we'd be the ones exploring it."

Lyra's laughter was music to my ears. "You're always so optimistic, Sky. I love that about you."

Adrien leaned in, his voice low and mysterious. "I've heard rumors of ancient ruins hidden within the jungle. Imagine what secrets we might uncover."

Princess Calanthir's eyes gleamed with excitement. "That would be incredible! I've studied the history of Xianity city, and the ruins are said to hold powerful artifacts."

Galinera's voice was filled with wisdom. "We must be cautious, friends. The jungle is full of dangers, both living and dead. We'll need to stay vigilant."

Eryndor nodded in agreement. "Galinera's right. We'll need to work together, use our unique skills to overcome the challenges ahead."

As the conversation continued, I closed my eyes, reflecting on the mission and the Archmage trials. The gentle rocking of the train and the hum of their voices lulled me into a peaceful slumber.

"I wonder what kind of creatures we'll encounter in the jungle," Lyra said, her voice filled with curiosity.

"Probably giant spiders and venomous snakes," Sky replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Adrien chuckled. "You're always so dramatic, Sky."

Princess Calanthir playfully rolled her eyes. "Boys and their love for danger."

Galinera smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "We'll face whatever comes our way together, as a team."

As they continued to chat, their voices grew louder, their laughter and banter filling the train car. It wasn't until Lyra's voice rose in excitement that they noticed my absence from the conversation.

"Azera, what do you think? Azera, are you—"

Sky's laughter interrupted her. "I think she's finally succumbed to her exhaustion. Look, she's fast asleep!"

The group's chatter subsided into gentle chuckles and whispers, their voices fading into the background as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

1,125 words.